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Voracious need for B12


Senior Member
I've had anxiety side effects from ~15mg/day P5P several years ago, when I was still deficient in active B12 and folate.
Now I take plenty of both and I can use 50-60mg/day P5P to keep the homocysteine in check with no side effects.



Senior Member
I would just not try to over analyze what form and dosage of B6/P5P it would take to have neuro issues, just be aware that too much can cause it.
Like magnesium and intestinal results, it probably varies for each person and one can adjust or stop the dosage.

When my sister emailed me about MTHFR and Metanx a couple years ago, she said taking two pills a day gave her "immediate pins and needles with painful arms so I only take 1 pill in the mornings".
Metanx has 3mg metafolin, 2mg methyl B12 and 35mg P5P.
I doubt her symptoms were from the folate and B12.


Senior Member
interesting coincidence, my sister texted me today and said she had new labs that show her anemic and high thyroid TSH and a link to stop the thyroid madness MTHFR page.
This is how I started out, if she has the TCN2 mutation like I have the Metanx may not be enough anymore as she gets older.