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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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volunteers wanted 10-14 may 2010



hi all,

we are an m.e./fibro support group in walsall, west mids.

we are holding awareness stands at the local hospitals 10-14 may 2010, adn would be greatful if anyone living in the area would like to join the group, or help us at the awarenss stands (sits). the dates are to be confirmed wth the hospitals, though they have already given us the nod to have the stands.

anyone adn everyone is very welcome.

take care

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Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Please, anyone who is in that area, take your lounger and help them. You can lay down if you need to. Heck, that might even get the message across better. If you can't spend more than a couple of hours there, do that. Find out best time. This is what we need, make our illness visible. Wear your pajamas and don't comb your hair and no make up. Show people what this illness is.

All you have to do is educate one person, one nurse and you have won a battle.

We can't keep complaining that nothing gets done if we aren't willing to do anything. If you are able, please help this effort.



thanks for the support tina and robyn. i'm really greatful.

if anyone is in the area and wantto contact the group, we are a friendly bunch, honest !!

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