Vivint contest: PANDORA calls on its voters to ENDORSE Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Ass


Senior Member
Note: they call voting in Round 1, "endorsing". This is not a suggestion for Round 2, just Round 1 (i.e. thru' June 11):!/notes/p...-cfsme-fm-association-instead/221759684510570

We Ask Our Supporters to ENDORSE the Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association Instead of PANDORA on Vivint Gives Back Project

.by P.A.N.D.O.R.A., Inc. - Patient Alliance for Neuroendocrineimmune Disorders Organization for Research & Advocacy, Inc. on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 1:17am.

We Ask PANDORA Supporters and the public at large, to ENDORSE the Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association (RMCFA) Instead of PANDORA on Vivint Gives Back Project because we need to ensure the Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association reaches the top 20 charities in the Mountain Region of this special community project. At this point it will be quite difficult for PANDORA to reach the top 20. We would like to ensure that RCFA gets in on the top 20 list and if that means votes that would go for us, would go to them, meaning they would l be back on the top 20 and will qualify right the way for the up to $2,500 donations matching grant during this special period of the give away project.

Rocky Mountain CFS and FM Association link below:

At of today June 7, Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association is ranking number 28 with 267 votes. We need to give them 300 votes between tonight and tomorrow, to be comfortably ranking number 17-18 and it is a must that we keep the same pace to ensure they then remain in the top 20 qualifying to go to Phase 2.

Below is their link:

We are thrilled to see that the ME/CFS Action Network is now ranking number 11 in Canada, and they will remain strong because folks in Canada are voting for them strongly. We are also thrilled to see The Whittemore Peterson Institute remains strong and is ranking nbr 2 in the Pacific Area.

These are great news for our overall community. The time is now to get ready in 3 days for Phase 1 to end and for the announcements to VOTE on phase 2 of this great community give way by

Here is the link for the RMCFA GivesBack Project.

We are excited and we look forwarding to VIVINT.COM GIVES BACK PROJECT Phase 2 coming soon!


senior member
Concord, NH
done, but it seems like you need more voters, it appears you have been about 200 behind number 20 for a day or so. FYI



Senior Member
done, but it seems like you need more voters, it appears you have been about 200 behind number 20 for a day or so. FYI

Yes, I did some analyses 10 hours or so ago on the 24 hours up to that:
The Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association: 271 + 42 = 323

20th position: 449 + 70 = 519

So gap increased by 28 to 198.

It will be very tough for the Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association to qualify.


Senior Member
4 ME-type charities qualified for Round 2:

- IACFS/ME International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME

- National ME/FM Action Network

- Nightingale Research Foundation

- Whittemore Peterson Institute

Hard luck, Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association.

Voting for Round 2 started today. I think only really the Whittemore Peterson Institute and maybe the National ME/FM Action Network have a chance of winning their region (i.e. voting for a group that doesn't have a chance of winning its region is a waste, in my opinion).