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Vitamin D and Increase in Symptoms

Thank you RLC, I will gladly post the units. If it makes it any easier I have also attached the lab results. Calcium is mg/dl and PTH is pg/ml and vitamin D is ng/ml. If you would like any other information I will gladly provide it.



  • 2-22-2013 Affordable PTH Ca Vit D-1.pdf
    293.7 KB · Views: 23
  • 3-18-2013 CBC Ca Ion Ca Phos D-25 D-1.25 ACE PTH Urinalysis Aff Labs-1.pdf
    361.7 KB · Views: 19
  • 3-18-2013 CBC Ca Ion Ca Phos D-25 D-1.25 ACE PTH Urinalysis Aff Labs-2.pdf
    626.2 KB · Views: 22


Senior Member
Hi healing1, your Urinalysis results are interesting, you have a high specific gravity, and this means that your urine was more concentrated then normal on that day. See http://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/urinalysis/ui-exams/start/1

You have high RBC in your urinalysis, this test should be repeated to see if it is always present, this is a possible concern to talk to a doctor about see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003582.htm

There is also mucus in your urine, there shouldn’t be, see http://ic.steadyhealth.com/mucus_in_urine.html

So from what I understand from my reading is these test indicate a problem somewhere from your kidneys through to your urinary track

Your calcium was certainly high on the blood test, but PTH was on the lower side of normal. Blood Calcium should be retested, to make sure.

From my understanding the second batch of tests containing calcium results in a Urine tests? If so the Calcium is high normal, but comparing urine Calcium and Blood calcium is like comparing apples and oranges they are very different tests. The blood calcium result is the one that matters!

The test that matters for Vitamin D is the 25 (oh) D3 blood test, at 32 NG/ML it is just OK any lower and it is heading into the deficiency area.

My opinion and remember I’m not a doctor, this is just what I have read from the links I have provided, is that these tests indicate that your problem is somewhere in the Kidney, prostate urinary track area, a high Calcium may also fit with this because, it can be a sign of some Kidney disorders. Vitamin D increases the body’s uptake of Calcium, so taking it might be aggravating the existing condition??

My opinion would be to see your Doctor get the relevant tests redone, and get tests for kidney and urinary track etc done, then if no real answers are found see a Kidney or urology specialists.

None of your failed tests are specific to CFS, in fact you are not supposed to fail these kinds of basic tests if you have CFS, they are a sign of something else going on.

Hope this helps, and your doctor can track down the cause of your problems soon!

All the best


Senior Member
I take alot of vit D particularly in the winter. I do agree that it has an immunomodulating effect. In the winter I notice that all sort of autoimmune skin conditions crop up for me, psoriasis, dermatisis, lots of issues that i am sure other pple with ME get as well. I feel that high doses of vit D help during these months.
I believe a "herx" is an increase in histamine. Some persons have a genetic problem with histamine (example: asthmatics have less HNMT - one of two enzymes to break down histamine (other is Cu-DAO which works primarily to breakdown histamine in foods - those we all love). Okay...it appears some pathogens - esp. the cyanobacteria that rely on photosynthesis use up OUR vitamin D. Doubt?
Find this Pubmed link:
Picture of synechococcus phage here:

Just thought I would make a contribution to this thread as I have also experienced side effects from taking Vitamin D3. I could only take it for about 2 days before I experienced severe anxiety and depression and just generally feeling a bit rubbish and increased thirst and urination, also experienced hair loss (patches of alopecia) from taking D3. I tried taking it with various forms of magnesium but this didn't help ( I was already taking Magnesium before I first started taking Vitamin D anyway).
Recently I decided to start supplementing with Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5) just to help me cope when I get a bit stressed at work. Whilst I was researching B5 I found various websites stating that B5 is needed to metabolise Vitamin D and other fats and fat soluble vitamins. It also helps to make Vitamin D from sunlight as well as aid in the synthesis of other steroid hormones from fats and cholesterol.
Having read this and been on B5 for about a week I decided to try Vitamin D3 again after numerous attempts within the last 2-3 years. I've been taking B5 for the past 2 weeks and I restarted D3 1 week ago and I have had no issues with anxiety or depression at all, in fact I've had the complete opposite, very balanced and good mood and good energy and concentration. I think this is mainly from the B5 but it could also be the D3, I just find it odd that I no longer have anxiety or depression from taking D3, could be that the B5 is helping me utilise it without loads of free potentially unutilised D3 floating around in my system.

Just thought it was worth mentioning for those struggling with Vitamin D3

Edit: I take 500mg of Pantothenic Acid twice daily, I also take a B- complex every other day with some extra Biotin as B5 can deplete Biotin (they are absorbed at the same site in the intestines)
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Just thought it was worth mentioning for those struggling with Vitamin D3

Edit: I take 500mg of Pantothenic Acid twice daily, I also take a B- complex every other day with some extra Biotin as B5 can deplete Biotin (they are absorbed at the same site in the intestines)

Stumbled onto this post while searching for a reason that I was so sick taking vitamin D3. I have criminally low levels of D, definitely deficient and *need* it----but I've been on the verge of tears taking the supplements because I was in *more* pain, irritable, upset etc. Can I ask how much D3 you were taking?

And thank you so much for posting that. I had a B complex sublingual here that contains trace B5 and already I feel a little better. I've been reading that B5 can cause hair loss in high doses but L-cysteine seems to help avoid that. Still trying to learn more. If I can feel better finally I would be so happy. Thank you for giving me a place to start.
Stumbled onto this post while searching for a reason that I was so sick taking vitamin D3. I have criminally low levels of D, definitely deficient and *need* it----but I've been on the verge of tears taking the supplements because I was in *more* pain, irritable, upset etc. Can I ask how much D3 you were taking?

And thank you so much for posting that. I had a B complex sublingual here that contains trace B5 and already I feel a little better. I've been reading that B5 can cause hair loss in high doses but L-cysteine seems to help avoid that. Still trying to learn more. If I can feel better finally I would be so happy. Thank you for giving me a place to start.

Hi lilieslulz,

No problem, I'm glad I can be of help.

I was only taking 1000 IU twice daily sometimes only once daily, I still only take this much but before I started taking B5 just this much was enough to make me anxious and depressed.

A B-complex is fine and contains at least the RDA for B5 but you may getter even better results by taking a higher dose of B5 on it's own. I think as long as you don't over do it with the B5 hair loss shouldn't be anything to worry about. And as long as you balance it with the other B's especially with some biotin every now and then you should be fine. I have read that B5 works with Cysteine in the body but you can make your own Cysteine from other amino acids I believe. I've been on B5 for about 3 weeks now and I haven't had any issues with hair loss (touch wood).
Hi I'm new here and it was this thread I found online which brought me here ...I've been trying vitamin D supplements on and off for years - never being able to tolerate them - obviously done loads of research etc but always the same old - your dose may be too high/toxicity etc - I've only ever tried miniscule amounts even just 1 drop meant for babies! Always made me feel very dizzy and hormonal, sometimes migrainey. I thought I'd cracked it when i tried a small portion (about 1/5 of a capsule ie about 100 mg) of a food form developed by Wild Nutrition - felt fantastic like I was on street drugs haha - pupils the size of pin pricks - didn't sleep most of the night. Feel awful today and i don't think it's just lack of sleep - what someone said here about converts T4 to T3 really resonates and then using up all your cortisol! Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed here - partly so I don't feel so alone - never been able to find anyone who can't tolerate it before and here there are loads of people with similar problems! Like some others here I'm fine with the sun, in fact looking back I can corelate periods of better health with time following lots of sun exposure. My conclusion is that your body uses sunlight in a completely different way to D it ingests and you can't trick it into thinking it's the same thing, especially if you're ridiculously sensitive, like me! Ingesting supplements is equivalent to eating mountains of oily fish, eggs and liver not lying in the sun ... Just my opinion of course but this thread has really helped clarify things for me. (Obviously some people are fine with supplements, my comment is intended for those who aren't, like me) I used to go to hot countries in the winter even though I couldn't afford it really (instead of going away in summer) because that was the only way I could get enough D! Have now found a folding sun canopy to use above bed (no space for full sunbed) Bought reconditioned so a lot cheaper than going away! They've revised the old thinking that sunbeds give you cancer - of course they can but then so can the sun - not specific to sunbeds and you get D as you do from sun. So I'll see how it goes! 😎 ☀️