It is interesting that you say that your symptoms feel like a hangover from drinking. The symptoms of alcohol drinking are often the result of induced vitamin B1/thiamine deficiency and your symptoms do match some of those listed for
thiamine deficiency.
Thiamine deficiency has also been
blamed for panic attack.
I am just reading the article about the panic attack and before I forget I want to mention that I think and/or thought that I had found the cause of my panic attacks last year. I had a test for pancreatic Elastase, which was an advice that I was given in another forum, and it turned out to be really low at 56 µg/g which indicates pancreatic insufficiency. In the same forum I found that zinc deficiency could be the cause of a lack of produced pancreatic enzymes.
A year before I found by coincidence that there is something called Roemheld syndrome (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roemheld_syndrome ) which basically explains panic attacks as a consequence of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract that cause pressure on the toracic diaphragm and by that pressure on the lungs and heart, causing a belt like feeling around the chest and the feeling of limited inhaling.
After the test result with the low pancreatic enzymes I started to supplement zinc with 25mg daily and sometimes a second dose. Within four months the panic attacks disappeared entirely and for now approximately 1.5 years I didn't have a single panic attack. Nevertheless, the panic attacks always came, after I was eating, drinking or taking supplements. This is why with new supplements or e.g. with the niacin I am still cautious. I just don't want to be hit by another one. Even though they are much less scary, now that I understand them, I still hate them very much
I am explaining this in such detail because I don't read about exactly this correlation very often and maybe there are others with similar reasons for their panic attacks.
Recently I also read that there is a relation between Vitamin K and the pancreatic enzymes and also that vitamin K deficiency, together with zinc deficiency and magnesium deficiency, could be another cause for an alkaline phosphatase that is too low. Too low alkaline phosphatase is something that I have for years (not always, tests from 2003 show normal alkaline phosphatase) and I have to wait what the next test says. Of course it could also be that due to too little pancreatic enzyme production fat absorption is too bad and thus also Vitamin K absorption goes down, so to me it is not clear what is cause and consequence here.
The "hangover" feeling I have for many years already and it was much worse when it happened daily. What I also have then is a really swollen face. There is a lot liquid around my eyes. Apart from looking monstrous and taking hours to dissolve it also hurts. Brain fog, swollen hurting eyes, nose and lips and a whole body that is aching...
Anyway, it is not nearly as bad as it was two or three years ago.
When I started on the thyroid hormones it was more or less totally gone for the first three months. But then it kept coming back and now I am on a quite high dose but it still comes from time to time but not as regular as it used to be. This is why I see the thyroid hormones somewhere in that.
Too little protein intake is something that, because of the edema in the mornings, I also identified as a possible cause.
I will read about thiamine deficiency now. Thank you for that article. I just don't understand how I - and others - can/could end up with so many deficiencies. Sometimes it seems that it is an never ending journey.