Please let me politely correct people's confusion as some don't appear to be fully informed on the science. This is understandable, as to find out even grains of accuracy, you have to read various papers and remember countless press release statements. Which I do.
1) XMRV doesn't exist as human infection but the 2009 'XMRV' SCIENCE paper also demonstrated SFFV sequences. The mention of SFFV was ordered to be removed from the main paper and added to the 'extras' (additional work). Without this, they wouldn't allow the paper to be published. In addition, the publishers requested the title of the WPI paper to refer to 'XMRV' despite Mikovits wanting it to be in reference to family of human gamma retrovirus title, not limited to XMRV. If WPI had published on SFFV and not XMRV, we'd now all be having treatment (nearly 7 years has been wasted so far).
The rushed 'negative' studies, didn't look for SFFV and didn't follow the scientific method. The scientific method replicates the exact science in which the original paper used, the recipie as it were. No study, ever did this, including the 'Lipkin' Study. Without a full replication study, no findings are fully reliable. Also, none of the assays used were proven to be reliable in the negative studies, as they were (literally) home grown - e.g. weren't tested to work what WPI found (SFFV), or to work by independent sources - because they weren't after SFFV, but XMRV, which was never there.
This massive error alters findings in science and microbiology if you don't use a proven, effective method to detect a pathogen.
2) The WPI test didn't 'just' detect XMRV it detects all known gamma retroviruses, presumably some of which have since been patented. You can search for these patents online. I have read them. The latest (to my knowledge) of treating a gamma retrovirus 'related' infection was last updated in 2014.
3) Many patients with housebound Lyme and ME with crippling neurological symptoms tested POSITIVE culture, and received a NEGATIVE PCR test.The PCR test was later pulled by VIPDX as it was deemed inaccurate.Some even tested for Silverman XMRV and (of course) tested NEGATIVE too. This indicates a retrovirus (of unknown source) grew in culture, as that's what the assay probes were set to. This is why there is a HGRV in these patients, or another pathogen (such as Lyme) which has retroviral genes inserted into it (more likely) as HIV (AIDS virus) envelop protein GP120 etc, were inserted into Mycoplasma protein coat to create GWS, plus other more 'exotic' natural nasties. The scientist who made this public was assassinated in broad daylight in America, shot in the head. His researcher companion, was hounded out of his University job and his family threatened.
Science and Politics controlling science is a dirty business. Why do you think Psychiatry is in control of CFS with CB/GET fraud, when CFS isn't even categorised as mental health disorder?!
The following point is critical:
20 year old frozen blood samples of CFS (nothing to do with Mikovits or the WPI) also tested positive for MLV's (not XMRV), however the paper was pulled under coercsion. This is evidenced by the fact the researchers not related to Mikovits or the WPI released a statement after their paper was retracted saying they stand by their original findings. In other words, they know what they found, and it wasn't 'XMRV', but something else..
4) The 2011 Alter/Lipkin paper also demonstrated SFFV antibodies in lab workers and patients. This was despite the samples being spiked and Fauci stopping any further work on the samples that were positive by not allowing positive samples being tested in a 3rd round of tests (outrageous). This is against all known
scientific protocol and of course, prevents and further positive association to SFFV. Ruined science.
5) US Lab workers are being monitored for these infections and their close contact family members. Why test them if these retroviruses don't exist?
6) After what the WPI really did find (HGRV's not XMRV), Cerus Intercept tech was offered to the US Government and Cerus have made hue profits since. Cerus technology cleans the blood supply of retroviruses that the WPI met with Cerus on and informed Cerus there was a problem of huge importance! If no retrovirus existed, why have they since made huge PROFITS selling this technology? No government would be foolish enough to pay millions for something that isn't there.
7) Researchers, other than the WPI and Mikovits have since found human cell lines contaminated with retoviruses. Hence Mikovits was correct that there is a risk of transmission from lab to human, in oncology research. Unfortunately the researcher who helped reinvigorate this line or research 'shot himself' weeks before his positive paper was due to come out, and as they are deceased, can no longer continue their work. This reminds me of Dr Jeff Bradstreet, Autism Pioneer who also 'shot himself', died, fell in the river then managed to hide his own body, after being dead. (Police report states his body was well hidden).
So there is the answer to people who say HGRV's in CFS doesn't exist.
Lab workers are humans, they meet other people in society and they potentially spread it (at least from sex and blood donation) and possibly by air transmission.
Anyone is free to ignore the science, but that's where it stands. It also stood in 1991, but unfortunately the scientist Elaine De Freitas was run down by a car, the same one who found reverse transcriptase (like the Australians) and also photographed what they found using an electronmicrosope. So that's all the proof you need, microscopes don't have bias, as the images aren't HTLV, or HIV, they are another human retrovirus in CFS.