Personally, I think that people are being a bit too judgemental and critical of Sarah Myhill, I find it quite belittling and rediculing of her and I feel this is unfair to someone who is clearly incredibly moved by our situation and the abuse she sees to passionately speak out.
Yes she came over as quite emotional in the video clip, but it IS emotional and it needs to impact people on that level to make a difference.
Her emotions I beleive are 100% genuine, she deals with patients day in day out and quite frankly I do not give a shit what has caused their illness and whether it is true ME or not, they are human beings, they are patients, they are suffering and struggling and they are facing the same predjudice and mistreatment precisely because they have the same label as us, ME CFS or something that falls under the MUS umberella.
Can you even begin to imagine the impact of being called up infront of the GMC that many times and how emotional and stressful that would be? So yes talking about it on camera will be emotional, yes it does come with strong feelings. This is a hugely emotional issue for doctors and patients.
Yes the level headed science is needed but so to is the very human, very real impact. people do need to see the impact, that is what will change many peoples views on this disease, the human side of the story.
Sarah Myhill helps patients not just with their health but as far as I can see she help support them with benefits claims etc. She mentions the denial of benefits in the video. She really genuininely tries to help and support her patients and sees the absolute injustice and the deverstation of that injustice.
She is standing up and speaking out strongly and clearly about the abuse of patients.
Just stop and think for a minute, if she was talking about the abuse of old people in care homes, children, MS suffers, AIDs suffers or the abuse of any group in society would we be belittling her for getting a few facts wrong or criticising her, I don't think so, we would see her as a very brave and honourable person. She is in my opinion a very brave and honourable person.
She is standing up for US. She is speaking out for US. She is recognising the institutional abuse of ME CFS suffers, aknowledging it and fighting to put a stop for us. I personally feel gratitude for her courage and her trying to stop this.
I do not know Sarah Myhill, I have not been treated by her. I have read her stuff and I have tried following her protocol some years back. It did not work for me, but it seems to bring improvements for many.
She does follow the science, unlike the bps lot, she is not a denier of science and mainly she is using nutrition and supplements to help people, I don't see this as quakery, nutrition and supplements can make a big difference to peoples health, how is this quakery? and as we have no medical treatments yet in the UK, this may be the best option available to us to support our bodies as much as possible, many of us do use diet and supplements.
She is a voice standing up and saying this is wrong, this is abuse and it needs to be stopped. I do not view her as a leader of the ME campaign, but she is one voice, with a lot of experience of seeing patients and how they are impacted by the establishment view on ME.
She is speaking out against GET, CBT and PACE, she is on our side.
She is going to carry on doing what she is doing because she can not sit by day after day witnessing the abuse and suffering, so she is doing what she can do and she is saying no more, this is her true character, and to me, this shows someone of true integrity and character. And bloody good on her for that. She can't and won't turn a blind eye or keep quiet, good, she can't tolerate day after day seeing such abuse, Good. That is the type of person we need more of in this world.
I also do not feel this is quite the right time and I feel that calling for a public enquiry may be more sucessful coming from someone who the establishment are less likely to ridicule and target, but hell we are doing that ourselves on here, to someone who has been moved to take action because she finds the abuse that happens to US so wrong.
Perhaps reaching out to her, relaying any concerns regarding the campaign, making suggestions, including her, working with her as an ally may be a better option.
There are people who know the science better than she does, they can bring their strengths.
There are people who know the history and facts better, they can bring their strengths.
Sarah Myhill has shown her strength over and over and over standing up and speaking out against the mistreatment and abuse of ME patients. She has guts, strength, resolve and determination few others do.
That is a strength that should be recognised and made use of especially when us sufferers lack the energy to do what she is doing.
Many of us, me included condem AFME and critercise MEA for sitting on the fence, not speaking out strongly enough, not saying it how it is, not taking a stand, well here is a woman who does and continually risks her whole career and business to do so.
we should come together, work together, we don't have to see eye to eye on everything but we do see eye to eye on the main things, what happens to ME patients is abuse, and PACE, GET and CBT are a pile of shit as far as this disease is concerned.