
Hi Liz,
I knocked out my gut issues with olive leaf extract. I tried everything else, and nothing put a dent in my bloating, pain, and motility issues. (I'm quite sure that viruses crossed through my leaky gut after hitting the methylation block). Although being gluten free didn't help get rid of gastro probems, i continue to follow a 100% gluten free diet. Now that I feel better, I am starting the methylation protocol to deal with fatigue, muscle weakness, brain fog.


Senior Member
Hi Liz,
I knocked out my gut issues with olive leaf extract. I tried everything else, and nothing put a dent in my bloating, pain, and motility issues. (I'm quite sure that viruses crossed through my leaky gut after hitting the methylation block). Although being gluten free didn't help get rid of gastro probems, i continue to follow a 100% gluten free diet. Now that I feel better, I am starting the methylation protocol to deal with fatigue, muscle weakness, brain fog.

Don't mean to confuse the issues here, but did you know that olive leaf extract is a powerful vasodilator?

I also do better on olive leaf and always thought that was due to its antiviral effect, but my response to it is so fast, it must be the vasoactive effect. Dr Bell talks about this a lot in his book about neuro-immune fatigue and cellular hypoxia. He says our vascular issues are complicated, it is more of a vaso dilation/constriction REGULATION problem due to nitric oxide issues than just dilation or constriction issues by themselves. We may even have some areas in the body or brain that are constricted while other areas are dilated. We are just vascular disasters.
That's an interesting idea. I responded so quickly to OLE, that it truly amazed me. It probably couldn't kill viruses that fast. I will pick up a copy of the book you recommended. I do "get it" that we are vascular disasters. Every time I start B12 (in any form or dose), it feels like my vascular system is going to explode.
Hi, lizw118.

PWCs tend to have low total blood volume because of "mild" diabetes insipidus (not to be confused with diabetes mellitus). If you have low total blood volume, constricting the peripheral blood vessels might help by making it possbile to deliver more blood flow to the brain.

If my hypothesis is valid, treating to lift the partial methylation cycle block, which also raises glutathione (as verified by lab testing) will ultimately correct the diabetes insipidus and raise the total blood volume.

Best regards,


Hi Rich, I know nitric oxide and vasodilation have something to do with me too..and the hydorxocobalamin affects it too. I seem to have a partial DI as ADH on testing (cant get below 6L per day and that is very thirtly and kidneys showing signs of being dehydrated by eGFR test low) unless I water fast more than 12 hrs or so...and that almost kills. ADH still lower then "normal"level after a 16 hr water fast..and I really ged" / oxidised or something me doing that and I refuse to repeat any more tests , even as offered in a hospital setting. I havbe noted lately that I am not so thirstly and I am not going to the toilet nearly as often. I had not linked it to B12 directly before? What does PWC ?? stand for


Senior Member
Hi Rich, I know nitric oxide and vasodilation have something to do with me too..and the hydorxocobalamin affects it too. I seem to have a partial DI as ADH on testing (cant get below 6L per day and that is very thirtly and kidneys showing signs of being dehydrated by eGFR test low) unless I water fast more than 12 hrs or so...and that almost kills. ADH still lower then "normal"level after a 16 hr water fast..and I really ged" / oxidised or something me doing that and I refuse to repeat any more tests , even as offered in a hospital setting. I havbe noted lately that I am not so thirstly and I am not going to the toilet nearly as often. I had not linked it to B12 directly before? What does PWC ?? stand for

Hi, tealady.

Sorry, PWC stands for "person with CFS." My hypothesis that connects B12 to correcting DI goes like this: ADH is a peptide hormone that contains two cysteine residues and is made in the hypothalamus/pituitary as a secretory protein. In the synthesis of proteins that contain cysteine, it is necessary that there be enough glutathione, and a high enough ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione, in the cytosol of the cells that synthesize the protein, so that the cysteine residues are maintained in their reduced state until the amino acid chain enters the endoplasmic reticulum, where the cysteine residues are oxidized and joined together to form a cystine disulfide bond. If the cysteine residues become oxidized too early, the protein will be recycled to the proteosome, which will break it down so that the amino acids can be reused. The result of continued recycling is that not enough of the protein, in this case, ADH, is produced.

The solution to this problem is to raise the glutathione level in the hypothalamus/pituitary. The way to do that in ME/CFS is to lift the partial block in the methylation cycle, which is holding glutathione down. The way to do that is to do a methylation treatment. These treatments as a minimum include B12 and folate, both of which are needed by the enzyme that is partially blocked, methionine synthase.

Best regards,

1) Is there anything that causes vasoconstriction that does not stimulate the nervous system and/or does not cause glutathione levels to drop? Or is vasoconstriction always something that happens through the sympathetic nervous system somehow?

2) Is it possible to be on antidepressants yet still get better with methylation treatments?


I would like to know the answers to these as well, if anyone out there knows. Otherwise, I may start a regimen of low-dose caffeine because I am now having constant "pre-headache" feelings all the time that are really bothering me. It's like I always have pressure in my head and taking migraine medicine daily isn't feasible due to side effects.
