Uric acid


Senior Member
Hi Penny

Have you tried lithium orotate? Lithium is suppose to help dissolve uric acid crystals.

Thanks for posting this. I'll try adding it. I found a couple of references about keeping it low dose, adding vitamin C all as a preventative ... as well and including Cherry Juice for immediate relief. I've heard of the Cherry Juice before, but also got direction it was better if it was tart cherry and that capsules or supplements work better than keeping it on hand and fresh... so I'll experiment and see how it goes. Thankfully my last flare was after eating shelfish in Jan and nothing since, so we'll see how it goes.

I also read a lot about the lithium being helpful with mood issues and alcoholism as let's face it a lot of alcoholics are self-medicating. I'm interested in seeing if it helps my son with their mood issues.


Senior Member
Do you know if this also applies to Niacinamide? Forgive my ignorance if this has been mentioned and answered before.
Must be careful with amounts of sulfur in the B vits because sulfur hinders iodine absorption/metabolization. In this case I think Niacin = Niacinamide. But this is only a problem for those who have thyroid problems, and I don't think this is your case, therefore it should not be a concern for you ;)


Senior Member
Must be careful with amounts of sulfur in the B vits because sulfur hinders iodine absorption/metabolization. In this case I think Niacin = Niacinamide. But this is only a problem for those who have thyroid problems, and I don't think this is your case, therefore it should not be a concern for you ;)

Sorry, a bit off-topic: i have read that niacinamide/niacin is not adviced when there are thyriod problems, but i couldn't find why. Do you have an idea?


Senior Member
Sorry, a bit off-topic: i have read that niacinamide/niacin is not adviced when there are thyriod problems, but i couldn't find why. Do you have an idea?

Nicotinic acid decreases serum thyroid hormone levels while maintaining a euthyroid state.

Nicotinic acid-induced toxicity associated with cytopenia and decreased levels of thyroxine-binding globulin.

Also yesterday I found a link between uric acid and thyroid disorders, and since niacinamide increases uric acid, there could be something hidden in this metabolic pathway as well.


Senior Member
Must be careful with amounts of sulfur in the B vits because sulfur hinders iodine absorption/metabolization. In this case I think Niacin = Niacinamide. But this is only a problem for those who have thyroid problems, and I don't think this is your case, therefore it should not be a concern for you ;)
I must apologize here because I thought there was sulfur in B3, but there isn't.


Senior Member

Thanks Gondwanaland, very informative! Good to know when you have thyriod problems.
Didn't knew that it could also increase uric acid.


Senior Member
It is safe to used that even not prescribe by doctor because the uric acid in my big toe is getting worse.
I'm one who can't tolerate magnesium - I can tell you that Epsom salt soaks helps with my chronic pain (no idea if it's related to uric acid or ME/CFS; but it does help with that).

I've been managing my high uric acid pain by diet modification... but have ordered some "Tart Cherry" supplements as I've been given information from multiple gout sufferers who say it's a really quick help for reducing pain.

I can't recommend it myself as I haven't had a flare up since I ordered it... but will keep you posted if I try it myself.