Short answers:
Yes, I serum B6 toxicity test results - from Mayo Clinic in Rochester
No, it seems like high uric acid *might* be inverse of b6 levels... not sure if there's any relationship, just relating my experience - as I thought it might be meaningful as I've experienced both
Symptoms - nerve issues, muscle issues, pain, fatigue, balance, completely incompacitated at times
Magnesium - I was taking B6 alone, I cannot find any magnesium supplement that I can tolerate - am currently doing epsom salt baths (as of last 18 months) and my magnesium levels are normal as are my b6 results currently
I just spent the first two weeks of this year in a flare - no swelling, just serious toe pain that I couldn't put any weight on it nor wear shoes nor even a pair of socks, blanket on my foot, nothing. And a couple of passes of crystals in my urine ... my bad, I splurged on shrimp for New Years and didn't even think about the purines being high in shellfish. I won't be making that mistake again any time soon.
Longer Answers;
OK background information:
I did have rare, occasional out of no where toe pain... that I now recognize as probably gout though it never crossed my mind the 10 -15 years ago when I was having it... it was rare, I didn't see it often, I'd just think... darn... what did I do and why does my toe hurt? Not seriously bad pain, but now that I'm seeing it more frequently and my 26 yr old son has gotten diagnosed with gout - it raised a flag for me that it was probably related.
At that time I was not taking B6 at all.
Right around the 10 year ago mark is when I was diagnosed with high homocysteine levels and I started taking folic acid, b12, b6. I didn't know I had MTHFR let alone why I shouldn't buy the cheapest available supplements on the market... in fact, doctor recommended that I buy them separately at Walgreens/local market over getting a prescription as it would be a cost saver (boy, do I wish I could go back to that date).
I started getting ill within three months of taking the supplements. Now that I've found out more about MTHFR I realize that the Folic Acid was blocking any natural source of folate and I was becoming folate deficient. I was testing high on B12 (as my initial symptoms were related to fatigue) ... but now I know it's probably related to not processing the b12 well enough. And my b6 levels didn't get tested for AGES.
Within six months I was having trouble with balance, having parathesis on my right side, losing sensitivity to heat/cold on my right side... having vision issues... within nine months I was completely bedridden for three months due to severe damage where I couldn't keep my balance. I could walk aided, but couldn't stand without assistance as my sense of balance was completely gone.
Symptom list: crushing fatigue, pem, occasional hand tremors, burning and shooting pain, numbness, issues with sensitivity, muscle pain, some muscle strength issues (though thankfully those seemed always short-lived), vision issues, balance issues, mood issues (I wanted to isolate myself) (fwiw, I read up on b6 toxicity after the fact, other than PEM? It's a pretty direct match)
Doctors were completely stumped for several years... went to Mayo, Iowa Hospitals and Clinics had two sets of specialists do the full work up, they found nothing.
BUT, my mother was tested B6 toxic and new I was taking b6 still at that point. It took a few more years before I could convince my doctors to test my b6 levels (they swore to me it was impossible for me to become toxic on the dose I was taking). When I finally did get tested, I tested HIGH, really HIGH... like over 200 ng/mL though I don't remember the exact level.
Doctors, of course, told me to stop taking B6. But they really didn't give me any other advice. When I asked about ways to reduce it or process it, or long-term prognosis... I got a lot of shrugs. They couldn't explain how I became toxic nor what to do to handle it.
In all of this time? My toes were never in pain... ever. go figure
I was still ill and my B6 levels did get retested and fairly quickly dropped down to normal levels... however, the symptoms remained.
I did try taking P5P and I do tolerate it without getting toxic (good)... but I still wasn't seeing an improvement in my symptoms.
WHEN MY B6 toxicity symptoms started to resolve:
It wasn't until I started doing methylation treatment and started ramping up my methylfolate and taking the epsom salt baths that I saw an improvement in many of my symptoms. (woot! epsom salt baths = magnesium and might be another crucial piece)
I've still had energy and other unexplained crashes since... but the chronic numbness and issues with sensitivity is completely gone. I still get some balance issues - but I now also have some gut issues and I think I'm struggling with mild dehydration - we've added more salt to my diet and potassium supplements are helping.
I started getting the toe pain again about eight to ten months ago. Didn't think much of it with everything else going on in my life... but then I had some brown crystals in my urine. I spoke to my doctor and he said... hmmm.... not really kidney stone related... more likely gout. And this is about two weeks after my son who is young for it... got diagnosed with gout. And I go... gout? Isn't that linked to toe pain? I don't have toe pain.... oh, wait. Yes I do.
So I started to pay attention to the timing.. and sure enough... if I had a big meat meal - I'd have a flare up. Cut back, and the symptoms would ease... eat some shelfish and bam... here's the symptoms again.
So, at this point, my B6 has been tested again recently, still well within normal limits... but my uric acid hasn't been tested yet. I've been told serum testing for uric acid isn't very reliable, so I haven't pushed for it. It's exceptionally rare for me to eat anything really high in purines. It's been about ten months and I'm down to a flare up every other month or so, usually after I eat something I ought not to have.
I'm not able to take more epsom salt baths than I do now, just not enough time ... but I am doing three to four a week. I don't tolerate any supplement that contains even the smallest dose of magnesium in it... so I did order some magnesium oil to see if I could increase my levels that way - but I break out in hives when I apply it... so for now I'm just taking the baths.