"Unrest" updates


ahimsa_pdx on twitter
Thanks to @Joh and all the others for posting these updates!

Unrest is going to be playing near me - Portland, Oregon - on Wednesday, Oct 4th. I'm planning to see it with my husband.

I usually never want to "bother" the folks I know about these kinds of things. I'm not shy, but I do have trouble being assertive or doing any kind of activism when it comes to my friends and neighbors.

However, this year I was feeling brave. So I sent an email to all the names in my address book who live in the Portland area to tell them about this local showing. That way even if they don't go to see the film now they know about it. They can read a review of Unrest (I included a link to the NY Times review which also has the trailer) and hopefully learn more about this disease.

So this is an idea for a tiny bit of activism for others who live in an area where Unrest will be playing soon. I know it's going to be in Seattle soon, for example.

And I'm sure it's on this thread somewhere but here's the link for finding upcoming showings:


me/cfs 27931

Saw Unrest last night in San Francisco. The theater was about half full. After the movie, Ron Davis/Janet Dafoe did a lengthy Q&A.

Enjoyed the movie, as did my spouse. But some parts weren't clear to my spouse and I had to explain them after the movie. Jennifer Brea's symptom cluster is quite different from mine.

Groggy Doggy

Saw Unrest last night in San Francisco. The theater was about half full. After the movie, Ron Davis/Janet Dafoe did a lengthy Q&A.

Enjoyed the movie, as did my spouse. But some parts weren't clear to my spouse and I had to explain them after the movie. Jennifer Brea's symptom cluster is quite different from mine.
Did you enjoy the QA session?

me/cfs 27931

Did you enjoy the QA session?
Yes, not a lot was said that wasn't already said in more detail at the recent Stanford Symposium. Mostly Dr. Davis seemed optimistic in spite of the recent NIH grant rejection.

I should mention that one audience member said she came because Unrest had a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I see today that it retains the 100% rating.

Groggy Doggy

Yes, not a lot was said that wasn't already said in more detail at the recent Stanford Symposium. Mostly Dr. Davis seemed optimistic in spite of the recent NIH grant rejection.

I should mention that one audience member said she came because Unrest had a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I see today that it retains the 100% rating.
Thanks for the update. Wonder how many made the Saturday night SF show with Jen & Omar?

me/cfs 27931

But how many people in the theater were at that symposium?

The capacity of the Vogue Theatre is 240, from what I can find online.

Edit: At theatre half full, that would make somewhere around 120.

I think you are setting a rather high standard. Most of the world does not know as much about the disorder as we have been forced to learn. ;)
All true, but the question was if I enjoyed it. :)
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Senior Member
Review of the soundtrack in the Film Music Magazine: "The Top Picks".

Quite flowery language (or maybe music speak), not easy for me to understand, but seems to be very poitive. :)

What are "CSD victims?"
I think he means CFS victims......sense of hope.

couple of phrases I don't like so much

"much to convey his subject’s difficult switch from depression to activism"
"conveying the psychological power to take command of life against a spirit-against-body affliction."


Senior Member
I think he means CFS victims......sense of hope.

couple of phrases I don't like so much

"much to convey his subject’s difficult switch from depression to activism"
"conveying the psychological power to take command of life against a spirit-against-body affliction."
Thanks @slysaint!

I wondered if CSD was supposed to be CFS but hoped that they couldn't possibly publish something with 2 mistakes in 3 letters and show so little respect to the name of the disease the movie is about. But apparently they can. :) Who knows, maybe someone had 10 minutes until deadline, if the "e" in hope is missing too (- and I spent time wondering if "hop" was somehow connected to hip hop and is a music term :rofl:).

I too stumbled over the phrases you mentioned. But it's great that the soundtrack is an additional avenue to get attention - CFS (or CSD :rolleyes:) in a music magazine! :thumbsup:

Groggy Doggy

I think he means CFS victims......sense of hope.

couple of phrases I don't like so much

"much to convey his subject’s difficult switch from depression to activism"
"conveying the psychological power to take command of life against a spirit-against-body affliction."
Wished the reviewer used different words to convey the message. Because, I don't feel like a victim and I don't suffer from depression; and from watching UnRest, I never related to Jen as being a depressed victim.

Edited to add the link: http://www.filmmusicmag.com/?p=17999
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Senior Member
Don't know if this has been posted; specially for those who are housebound

The virtual screenings, which are limited ticket events that run concurrently with select screenings where the film is running theatrically, are hosted by the filmmakers through a digital platform called OVEE created by ITVS. Attendees must live within 100 miles of the theatrical area. Virtual screening participants can post their reactions and comments in a shared screening experience with others watching from home.

At some screenings, after watching the film audience members are invited to participate in a virtual Q&A; at others, they continue the conversation in a video chat room that can accommodate up to 100 participants. These are often intimate conversations between a dozen or so patients, many of whom may have never seen or spoken to other patients before."


Jonathan Edwards

I think he means CFS victims......sense of hope.

couple of phrases I don't like so much

"much to convey his subject’s difficult switch from depression to activism"
"conveying the psychological power to take command of life against a spirit-against-body affliction."

The whole thing seems pseud. Gibberish even. 'fans of his Philip Glass-ian work' sets the tone for me - suggesting an aping of an aping (Glass) of decent music. I suspect the actual score deserves better than that. And as for spirit against body - er no - body against spirit actually! But I doubt the muso-nerds will notice.


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Texas Hill Country
I saw Unrest yesterday and was blown away by it - it was REALLY REALLY well done. I'm wiped out today of course, oh well. Saw it with 2 of my sisters, they both thought it was excellent (and they are both very familiar with ME/CFS because of me)

There only maybe 15 people in the theater though .... again, though, oh well. It was a matinee too.

I liked the interview with Nancy Klimas in the film very much. Such a voice of sanity! I was telling my sisters it's so insane how hard we have to fight (with so little energy) to be taken seriously. I will find it hard to believe that anyone who sees the film will still be able to maintain that this is all in our heads - well, in a sane world that is.

I'm really glad I saw it and overcame my reluctance to see it because of negative comments I had read earlier. I don't understand any negativity regarding this film - I can't see it doing anything but raising awareness and hopefully educating people who don't have ME/CFS and maybe effecting some change. I cannot imagine Jen Brea's courage and determination to make this film.