Unfolded Protein Response and A Possible Treatment for CFS


Senior Member
Hey, @Violeta, I didn't realize that about taurine and glucose. Thanks! :thumbsup: I have some (can't remember what I was taking it for now, LOL) but stopped because there seemed to be some information that suggested it could cause insomnia, which I don't need. But now I'm going to dig out my bottle and give it a whirl.


Senior Member
So I received my choline and taurine from powder city, and then realised that in my notes from genetic counsellor that it is advised to limit taurine due to CBS +/-?!
Despite having low taurine on UAA profile? So confounding!


Senior Member
I don't know much about genes, but if the CBS gene is relevant to sulfur, and they recommended to limit taurine due to sulfur, then I can tell you that they may be making the exactly opposite recommendation than what is helpful.

I have very much difficulty with sulfur, but taurine does not bother me one bit, and has been only helping. What if the low taurine is part of the cause!

If I am wrong about the CBS/sulfur, sorry, I don't have time to look it up right now.


Senior Member
..and let's not forget the capabilites of Resveratrol :

Resveratrol induces the heat-shock response and protects human cells from severe heat stress.

Molecular chaperones play key roles in protein quality control, signal transduction, proliferation, and cell death, and confer cytoprotection and assure survival after environmental stress. The heat-shock response is implicated in a variety of conditions including ischemic diseases, infection and immunity, neurodegeneration, and aging. Physiologic and pharmacologic chaperone inducers were shown to be an efficient therapeutic approach in different acute and chronic diseases. Here we characterize resveratrol, a polyphenol from red wine, as an inducer of the heat-shock response. Resveratrol activated the heat-shock promoter and the expression of the major chaperone Hsp70 in cell lines and in human peripheral lymphocytes, comparable to moderate heat stress. This effect was not due to its antioxidant property, because 5 mM N-acetylcysteine was unable to activate the heat-shock response. Moreover, resveratrol failed to upregulate Grp78, and tunicamycin was unable to induce Hsp70, suggesting that the resveratrol-induced heat-shock response was not mediated by canonic endoplasmic reticulum stress. Resveratrol synergized with mild to moderate heat shock and conferred cytoprotection against severe heat stress. Our results reveal resveratrol as a chaperone inducer that may contribute to its pleiotropic effects in ameliorating stress and promoting longevity.

It is possible that you may have to experiment with several supplement combinations of Chaperone Inducers in order to get the desired effect.

I also believe that it could be of particular interest for us that Resveratrol induces HSP-70 in human peripheral lymphocytes.
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Senior Member
CBS +/-?!

I assume you are referring to the C699T snp which Yasko got so excited about. She however completely misinterpreted a laboratory study to claim this is a serious upregulation of the enzyme which would adversely affect transsulfuration pathways. Actually even the homozygous snp has a very small affect so I wouldn't worry about the effect of the heterozygous.

Some people certainly have sulphur-related issues but it probably has little to do with CBS.

There has been some excellent discussion of CBS on PR, eg here


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I just finished another set of analysis and i was hoping that i could take some feedback from all of you regarding some questions that i have :

a) Do you feel that CFS symptoms are less noticeable while you have a Cold / Flu?

I don't get colds or flu. My immune system is dialed up to eleven, or else my other pathogens are too effective at fighting for space.

b) Do you feel generally better during the summer and worse during the winter time?

Overwhelmingly the opposite. Summer is AWFUL.

c) How many of the childhood illnesses have you had?

I had chicken pox... that was about it.

Thanks in advance


Senior Member

Hi JaimeS,

Thank you for the feedback. I too had an immune system that appeared overactive. I could feel for a couple of hours like I was about to get sick but then I would feel fine. I had almost 2 years to get sick from a viral infection.

I believe that this is not because of an overactivated immune system but the fact that our bodies do not handle oxidative stress and therefore many Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) exist within our bodies. Since we use ROS to fight a virus that means that a potential virus which enters our body does not find the correct environment to grow since we are full with ROS!

Thank you again for the information you provided.


Senior Member

I have been taking 350 mg choline bitatrate for a week now. I tried to up the dose but got palpitations. However I had already increased coQ10 from 100 mg to 200 mg so went back on that. Straight away I had an improvement. I stopped needing to sleep during the day and had more energy so yesterday I added 100 mg l-Tyrosine. Perhaps a little more improvement mood wise but then, even worse time getting to sleep last night plus the last three or four nights. So last night I added Niacinamide near midnight and did get off eventually so will add more earlier this evening. I do feel more alert.


Senior Member

I have been taking 350 mg choline bitatrate for a week now. I tried to up the dose but got palpitations. However I had already increased coQ10 from 100 mg to 200 mg so went back on that. Straight away I had an improvement. I stopped needing to sleep during the day and had more energy so yesterday I added 100 mg l-Tyrosine. Perhaps a little more improvement mood wise but then, even worse time getting to sleep last night plus the last three or four nights. So last night I added Niacinamide near midnight and did get off eventually so will add more earlier this evening. I do feel more alert.

Have you looked at the various SNPs at the beginning of the Thread regarding Choline Metabolism, GCH1, ER Stress? Do you have impaired BH4 Production?

It appears to me that you will have to experiment with the supplements you are taking according to your SNPs. I used to take CoQ10 but i do not need that anymore.

I am also supplementing at the moment with Alpha GPC instead of Choline Bitartate and it seems to me that it is doing a very good job.

Try to take as less supplements as possible and then work your way up...but you should definitely do this detective work with your SNPs as a guideline.

Good Luck with the Regimen, it should take around 10 days to show some results (but this could be specific to each individual).
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Senior Member
Have you looked at the various SNPs at the beginning of the Thread regarding Choline Metabolism, GCH1, ER Stress? Do you have impaired BH4 Production?

It appears to me that you will have to experiment with the supplements you are taking according to your SNPs. I used to take CoQ10 but i do not need that anymore.

I am also supplementing at the moment with Alpha GPC instead of Choline Bitartate and it seems to me that it is doing a very good job.

Try to take as less supplements as possible and then work your way up...but you should definitely do this detective work with your SNPs as a guideline.

Good Luck with the Regimen, it should take around 10 days to show some results (but this could be specific to each individual).
Thanks yes l have the snp's as stated in a previous post. I only take a few things like vit c mg and selenium. Yes l am impaired with BH4 . I am going slowly but it seems to be helping.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Actually, now that I think about it, I did have ONE cold - and yes, it felt awesome. Like my immune system was finally doing its job, somehow. I felt like I was getting better, and told everyone it was a great sign as I hacked and coughed away.

About a three or four days in, the feeling of greater energy dissipated, but I was still sick. I spent the week that I truly conquered the cold well and truly miserable.

It was reading someone else's comment that sparked my memory of this.

helow. i post under the user name modeaa in this forum, http://www.acne.org/messageboard/topic/295030-repairing-the-long-term-damage-from-accutane/page-350. my english wont be the best here.

i was thinking the next: foxo gene is upregulated during accutane (http://www.ncbi.nlnim.h.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3219165/) and i suspect that post accutane foxo is still caught up in a loop of overexpression .
ER stress- somewhere i think i read that it is causing foxo activation(or the other way around it was)

somehting called ELOVL5 which reduced by accutane can stop foxo by producing cis-vaccenic acid
Elovl5 regulates the mTORC2-Akt-FOXO1 pathway by controlling hepatic cis-vaccenic acid synthesis in diet-induced obese mice
Elevated hepatic expression of fatty acid elongase-5 (Elovl5) induces FoxO1 phosphorylation, lowers FoxO1 nuclear content, and suppresses expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis (GNG).
''Isotretinoin results in decreased expression of ELOVL5 mRNA.''

''Increasing hepatic Elovl5 activity in obese mice lowered hepatic TGs and endoplasmic reticulum stress markers''

This gene belongs to the ELO family. It is highly expressed in the adrenal gland and testis, and encodes a multi-pass membrane protein that is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. This protein is involved in the elongation of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

''As integral components of cellular membranes, fatty acids could directly affect biologic processes relevant to the development of HF. For example, some fatty acids have been shown to enhance endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation, stimulate apoptosis, and impair endothelial function.''
''A precursor of cis-vaccenic acid, palmitoleic acid, may increase the risk of HF via hypertension.27 This suggests that conversion of palmitoleic acid to cis-vaccenic acidcould mitigate blood pressure raising effect and lower the risk of HF. Additional studies are needed to elucidate biologic effects of cis-vaccenic acid in humans''

also posiible that foxo inhibition inhibit scd ezyme and this can cause a foxo loop activation.
''We show that fatty acids as well as pharmacological ER stress–inducing agents rapidly induce JNK, the ER stress response, and increase Foxo1 nuclear localization and activity at a time when Akt phosphorylation is increased. Foxo1 activation is blocked by JNK inhibition.''

''In various mammalian cell lines including β-cells, lower fatty acid toxicity was associated with increased cellular capacity for triglyceride synthesis and with upregulation of stearoyl CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1)''

''Possibly, fatty acid activation of Foxo1 with subsequent inhibition of SCD1 would create a self-sustained cycle with deleterious cellular effects'

also wondered if scd inhibition might cause more retinoic acid, as if post accutane the boddy produce more accutane like substences(and this will further increase/sustaine foxo?)
''We previously reported that mice with skin-specific deletion of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (Scd1) recapitulated the skin phenotype and hypermetabolism observed in mice with a whole-body deletion of Scd1.''
''In this study, we first performed a diet-induced obesity experiment at thermoneutral temperature (33°C) and found that skin-specific Scd1 knockout (SKO)mice still remain resistant to obesity.''
''We identified an extraordinary number of differentially expressed genes that support the previously documented histological observations of sebaceous gland hypoplasia, inflammation and epidermal hyperplasia in SKO mice. Additionally, transcript levels were reduced in skin of SKO mice for genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, elongation and desaturation, which may be attributed to decreased abundance of key transcription factors including SREBP1c, ChREBP and LXRα. Conversely, genes involved in cholesterol synthesis were increased, suggesting an imbalance between skin fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis. Unexpectedly, we observed a robust elevation in skin retinol, retinoic acid and retinoic acid-induced genes in SKO mice.
Furthermore, SEB-1 sebocytes treated with retinol and SCD inhibitor also display an elevation in retinoic acid-induced genes. These results highlight the importance of monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis for maintaining retinol homeostasis and point to disturbed retinol metabolism as a novel contributor to the Scd1 deficiency-induced skin phenotype.''
''The lipid composition of cellular membranes is regulated to maintain membrane fluidity. A key enzyme involved in this process is the membrane-bound stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) which is the rate-limiting enzyme in the cellular synthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids from saturated fatty acids. A proper ratio of saturated to monounsaturated fatty acids contributes to membrane fluidity''

''Constituents of the lipid metabolism have been shown to be important for sebaceous gland morphogenesis. Targeted deletion of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) or mutations within the gene coding for this key enzyme of mammalian lipid metabolism (asebia mouse) result in atrophy of sebaceous glands of the skin and Meibomian glands of the eyelid as well as abnormal hair growth''

if i remember correctly scd produce palmitoleic acid which by Elovl5 can ba enlonged to cis-vaccenic acid- which can stops foxo. this also stops er sress? how it is all connected?

more stuff maybe worth mentioning:
''The expression of Elovl5, which exhibits a weak oscillation, and peak expression of the clock output gene, Nocturnin (Ccrn4l) at ZT12 were also repressed in RORγ−/− liver, ''

''Hepatic Elovl-5 expression, however, is induced during postnatal development, in leptin deficiency, and by pharmacological ligands for PPARα

i was thinking that taking sea buckthorn oil which contain palmitoleic acid and cis-vaccenic acid can stop this hypotized foxo/er stress loop post accutane. and also that it should be in low dose for not athropy the body enzyme own production of those fatty acids. what do you think bout all this(theory)?
thanks for reading
edit:why it's posted it like that?
(Moderator -- have fixed it for you)
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