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Unable to sleep because dread wake up any tips?


Senior Member
I tried the sleep hygiene for a month to 6 weeks. My sleep timing seemed to get worse on it the longer I was doing it. I was frightened of a major crash.

I am a bit suspicious that it was as much your meds than the sleep hygiene that helped. I can't imagine the sleep hygiene alone being enough to help.
What do you mean do you want to compare sleep hygiene?
Is there a website or page where everything you did for 12-18 months is written down?

I think it’s both, the meds and the sleep hygiene, they really go together. Some days I can take no sleep aid at all and sleep well (even if I don’t feel refreshed in the morning, at least I sleep). Not so often for now but I’m working on it. I’ve done it maybe 5-6 times in 3-4 months.

I meant do you want us to compare our sleep hygienes to see if I am doing something different that what you’re doing ?
That is very interesting, and a good clue.

The worst EMFs are the ones closest to you, i.e. in your home and thus in your control.

There is a simple test you can do, which is turn off the breakers to your bedroom at night. The suggestion I've heard is to try it for 3 nights and see if you sleep any better.

It would also be good to turn off your router at night if you have one as that is a major source of EMFs.

I already tried to turn off the router. I don't feel any difference
I don't have delayed circadian rhythm, so morning for me is 8:00 a.m. I don't know how Seriphos will work with you, I'd forgotten about your delayed circadian rhythm.

So your cortisol was found to be very high at night - do you mean regular night time for most people, or your night time? ....

.....But maybe if Seriphos helps normalize your cortisol levels, it might help your delayed sleep. At least it would be worth a try I think....

My cortisol was very high in regular nighht time.

I have bought Seriphos now and will try it. It won't do any harm


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
My cortisol was very high in regular nighht time.

I have bought Seriphos now and will try it. It won't do any harm
Good luck - I hope it helps! I want to emphasize that when I took it at night, it made my sleep worse. So I tried it in the morning (regular morning) and it was totally different. I had been told by my practitioner to take it at night, but he was wrong. Later I read that it's best taken in the morning, it had something to do with the circadian rhythm.


Senior Member
I already tried to turn off the router. I don't feel any difference

EMFs are everywhere. It's not just wifi.

Anything that has an electrical field also has a magnetic field around it. That means all electrical products which are plugged in, even if they're not turned on. That also includes the cord from the product to the wall outlet.

It can also mean the electrical wiring in your walls, if they aren't shielded (most aren't).

So that's why they say to turn off the breakers as a test.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Does that mean no old fashioned kindle, with the non LED display?
Do you use ordinary lightbulbs?
Or was just stopping TV, tablets phones and all computers enough?

Windows made a blue light filter for your monitors thate you can activate under Display Settings. I have that switched on to turn itself on automatically at dusk and off at dawn so I can still use the PC without having to deal with the negative effects of blue light.

If you find yourself binging on a movie you can always just take a big dose of melatonin to counteract the blue light 10 mg. That will allow you to get tired despite it.
My problem is that when I try to fall asleep at night, I feel fear of how I will feel when I get up and how the hell I will manage to do an appointment in the morning. This keeps me awake even worse.

From this illness I have Delayed circadium rythm or reversal of the circadium rythm. Also when I wake up I feel a million times more tired than when I tried to sleep at night.

I have tried all the sleep hygene . It is useless. Exercise and trying to use the bed only for sleep seem to worsen the insomnia.

Maybe this should go on the emotional forum but I am not depressed about it, just very frustrated. I want tips on how to cope and hear if anyone else has had this.
Hi I too have the sleep problem and rarely get to sleep before 3am and anxiety if i have to be somewhere early.

Have tried lots of things inc meds that left me feeling worse than usual. If I cant avoid an early apt I just put an alarm on extra early to give myself more time and even tho i feel crap i get thro it and sleep when i get back
..basically i treat myself like a baby who sleeps when they need to and have given up trying to fit in the when you should sleep system..just working with what i can do