Based on information in the Vox Political comments, I am guestimating the number who died from DWP policy changes is on the order of 100,000 so far. That could be a colossal mistake. Covering it up and not acting immediately this was shown ... dare we use the G word? Fill in the blanks - G_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
It's hard to know what the figures mean. The fact that they've risen over this period is surprising, given that acceptance rates have gone up sharply since early 2011, from where they were at an alarming (and deliberate) low, 2/3 of the usual rate.
But in terms of covering this up (which they surely are), you'd have to understand the political situation around benefits claimants in Britain. There isn't a day goes by where a tabloid newspaper isn't hunting down disability benefit fraudsters and parading them as if they are representative of the sick and disabled as a whole. Channel 5 has over the last year or two taking an obsessive interest in the behaviour of those claiming various benefit payments. This picture of its schedule from the other night is, I think, illustrative:
As such, we're not only expendable, we're fair game. One or two go missing, a couple of thousand maybe, well, It was worth the sacrifice to get the real scroungers. Get into the habit of thinking about people as scum and you'd be surprised what you're prepared to sanction (no pun intended). Some of the recent comments on the Calais migrant crisis bear this out, where dying children are dismissed with "good riddance" and the like in online comments sections.
The DWP know exactly what they're doing. Never apologise, never explain and never, ever get into a position where you have to justify your actions to someone asking tough questions.