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UK people: how to get a methylation panel done from the UK?


Fine, thank you
Rich recommends getting a methylation panel done (he lists various options here). The main one needs a request from a doctor or (weirdly) a chiropractor.

I don't want to ask my NHS GP for stuff that he will think weird although I might have to. What other ways are there of getting this test? My chiropractor (who also thinks it's weird that she would be able to order the panel!) is willing to sign a request but how do I get my blood taken and sent off to the lab? And would they send a copy of the report to my GP (who might then be offended that I bypassed him)? Would it be weird to ask my GP to facilitate the test but offer to pay?

I'd be really grateful if someone could walk me through how to get this done.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
I dont know if its a Rich recommended one, but I did the holistic heal methylation panel, which tests for genetic 'roadblocks' to the methylation cycle, rather than functional ones. It was via a finger prick blood sample, and didnt need any input from a doc. I did it in the states, but they told me they have people in europe doing them too. It cost, sorry Sasha, forgotten, I think it was around $250. They sent me my results to the UK. It showed I did have defects in that pathway, which reaffirmed my decision to begin the protocol, but told me nothing about relative quantities of various components of the process. If you type holistic heal into your search engine, you will find their website, but I'd definitely ask Rich first it its the one he recommends.


Fine, thank you
Thanks, sian, that's very interesting. I want a test that will tell me whether I need to tailor the SMP and I'm not sure whether a genetic one or a functional one would be better. A pinprick test would at least be easy to get done!