One of the links within the IiME submission was a salutory reminder that NICE has had the opportunity to be aware of alternative expert views from UK and other countries from the outset and just how political the guideline is, far removed from evidence-based clinical excellence: Statements of Concern CBT-GET JR Feb09.shtml
I wonder how many more of their guidelines are so miguided or is CG53 unique in this regard?
Jo reading this document it is clear NOTHING has changed. No logical arguments have been heard. Everything that is being said now has been said before...
... which was actually before I even came down with ME!
It's a bit sad, cos we all scribble away at our responses, fine-tuning those arguments, hoping that we can weave exactly the right combination of words and facts to bring about change....
... but years afterwards ME peeps are still doing the same thing. Hoping, just hoping that some-one in the right place will recognise the truth.