You get to vote!
So far, 2 people think this parliamentary statement answers the question, 1 (me) does not, and I presume it's therefore understood that the "164,000 research programme led by Dr. C Clark at Queen Mary College London on the general and specific risk markers and preventive factors for chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndromes" is part of an ongoing biomedical research programme funded by the UK government. If you have reason to doubt that Dr Clark's research is biomedical, please post details, and if you feel the parliamentary answer is misleading, then annotate and explain why - or just Vote No!
My reasoning for voting no is that the answer to this question, as always, implies that research is biomedical when it is not. Is the Queen Mary College study the only biomedical project? They don't say so, leaving it open to the reader to assume that some of the other programmes in the expenditure are also biomedical. Is this one even biomedical? I don't know. It sounds like it is, but they don't actually say it is...
So far, 2 people think this parliamentary statement answers the question, 1 (me) does not, and I presume it's therefore understood that the "164,000 research programme led by Dr. C Clark at Queen Mary College London on the general and specific risk markers and preventive factors for chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndromes" is part of an ongoing biomedical research programme funded by the UK government. If you have reason to doubt that Dr Clark's research is biomedical, please post details, and if you feel the parliamentary answer is misleading, then annotate and explain why - or just Vote No!
My reasoning for voting no is that the answer to this question, as always, implies that research is biomedical when it is not. Is the Queen Mary College study the only biomedical project? They don't say so, leaving it open to the reader to assume that some of the other programmes in the expenditure are also biomedical. Is this one even biomedical? I don't know. It sounds like it is, but they don't actually say it is...