I don't know what Rense is. People shouldn't stress over information - and we all know there is a ton of misinformation on the web - but there are also whistleblowers - so sorting out the truth is hard.Rense is kind of an inflammatory website. Not good for ones health.
Lots of offensive/controversial material on there, and a lot of worry and stress.
However, if lyme was created on planet earth..... It's most likely created by legal grey aliens on the 7th level of some underground base. They crashed in Roswell in the 1947 and made a deal with Eisenhower to exchange extra terrestrial technology for allowing them to hang out and do research.
I thought if anyone here was really in a bad way - as I have been before - maybe some of the Lymes Remedies would work (btw - Lyme could be the singular form/ Lymes the plural - it's irrelevant).
Every person here may not have Lymes, but maybe some do - and it could be a lifeline to them.