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Hi everyone
I am suffering from ME for 15 years and am mostly bedbound for a long time. Before I was an artist, but I can’t do artistic work anymore. Making art was the center of my life beside going to the nature.
Now I had an idea for a Twitter campaign for ME, which I started and would be very happy if many of you would take part. It’s called #MEperspective and consists of ME sufferers who are bedbound or have to rest a big part of their time posting a picture of their perspective while lying in bed. It shows our perspective in the sense of our view, but it also shows our perspective in the sense of our outlook, if we can’t get a treatment, which brings us back to life.
As I’m inspired by millions missing who make the actions with the empty shoes, I took my feet in the center of the picture. It would be kind of the other side of #millionsmissing: while we disappear from the life in the outside, I would like to make us visible again with our limited lifes and perspectives. You see what we ME sufferers see most oft our time. While I was spending my life bevore the illness outside hungrily catching visual impressions, mostly with my camera in my hands, everything has become static now and like many of us (who can at least still bear light) I watch into my laptop or at the wall. I would love it if many of you would take part and I would love if there would arise an interesting insite in ME lives.
I made a twitter account @ME_perspective and posted the first picture with the hashtag #MEperspective. Have a look on my start and take part!
I am suffering from ME for 15 years and am mostly bedbound for a long time. Before I was an artist, but I can’t do artistic work anymore. Making art was the center of my life beside going to the nature.
Now I had an idea for a Twitter campaign for ME, which I started and would be very happy if many of you would take part. It’s called #MEperspective and consists of ME sufferers who are bedbound or have to rest a big part of their time posting a picture of their perspective while lying in bed. It shows our perspective in the sense of our view, but it also shows our perspective in the sense of our outlook, if we can’t get a treatment, which brings us back to life.
As I’m inspired by millions missing who make the actions with the empty shoes, I took my feet in the center of the picture. It would be kind of the other side of #millionsmissing: while we disappear from the life in the outside, I would like to make us visible again with our limited lifes and perspectives. You see what we ME sufferers see most oft our time. While I was spending my life bevore the illness outside hungrily catching visual impressions, mostly with my camera in my hands, everything has become static now and like many of us (who can at least still bear light) I watch into my laptop or at the wall. I would love it if many of you would take part and I would love if there would arise an interesting insite in ME lives.
I made a twitter account @ME_perspective and posted the first picture with the hashtag #MEperspective. Have a look on my start and take part!