What do you feel exactly when it becomes immunosuppressive?
Have you ever tried to get better/heal with magnets?
I refer to Dr Bansal from New Dehli as an example. (Magneto Therapy 1976)
Marlene I know when my immunity is being stimulated by the muscle contraction I get due to this factor in my blood, confirmed by the fact that my countless colds I get improving when this muscle contraction, imm. stim is present, the greater the contraction, the greater or faster the improvement in the cold, and I know when it stiops when that muscle contraction stops and since this contraction always exists to some degree , a baseline level of it , at a low level, when my immunity is suppressed, I get even less than this baseline of this contraction, confirmed by me losing control over the cold virus, telling me my immunitiy is being suppressed, which man made electronics radiation causes after five minutes each new day of being exposed to it, and lasting the whole rest of the day if I continue to be exposed to it. And as I said before when exposed to this readiation, I am unable to stimulate my immmunitiyi by any method, ther is no increase of muscle contraction from any of my methods. Electronic radiation is bad news. There are some electronic devices that dont do this, air conditions I experienced ten years ago, computers and monitors , SOME of them , that are the old style wer evidenty close enough to the natural radiation we have been experiencing for millions of years, that I coulld use them I am using one right now, and some car computer chips, about have the modern cars I have sat in are ok, but no tv set if I am close enough is ok, and any flat screened tv or monitor is bad news. I did learn that I can block any type of electromagnetic energy by simple intent, but I have ability in that area of doing things by intent that is a very rare ability in humans at this point, you can try it, but it is unlikely you will succeed. Thus I can now be around any kind of electromagnetic energy without it affecting me at all , due to me blocking it by intent.
Marlene as far as magnets I have used ones that have a suppressive effect on my immune system, like a refridgerator magnet, which does nothing but suppress my immune system, but if the magnet is designed to heal us , I have used a couple and they did stimulate my immune system, which means they probably closely enough matched the magnetic field of planet earth and thus we have a familiarity with their energy in our genes and thus we have evolved a benefit from their type of magnetic energy. BUt the two I used and they were supposed to be good ones for healing, one owned by a Doctor and one sold by a company for that purpose, did not KEEP my immune system stimulated, they conked out, the longest one lasting about two days and graduually losing its ability to stimulate my immunity over those two days. Thus evidently they didnt match the energy of the earths magnetic field closely enough to prevent this conk out effect because they were starting to cause over heating of the immune system thus not stimulating the immune regulatory cells well enough, which is true of almost all alternative methods of stimulating the immune system. . Maybe someone with better functioning t suppressor cells can continue to get a benefit from them longer than I was able to,, I dont know, and maybe this Indian Dr Bansal created match the earths magntic field to a T and so dont conk out, but I would say, why bother since even in my poor regulatory state due to this factor in my blood, i have found things that never conk out, they are free , they are simple they simply match the fetal experiences and so I assume they would not conk out in anyone and so far in people I got to try them, that is so.
Steve Lord