I am not sure where the fetal hand position comes into this, I asked about theta waves. I would suggest that the fetal hand position is probably related to room in the uterus. A fetus is in the position -- hands up to chin, legs bent because there isn't room for much else. There is no information about the brain waves of the fetus -- I am sure as they develop the probably spend a lot of time in differeng states judging by their activity and as the brain develops.
I was hoping you would offer something more than your own personal observations. For example, does looking at tv snow actually induce theta waves, how long does it take for this to occur, how is being in a dream like state contribute to healing, how does it affect the immune system, what effects does it have on the brain over time, etc, etc, etc.
I re-read your postings on the schizophrenia forum, you are correct, you suggested it might work, not that it did work. I did note that you said schizophrenia is a choice. May I make a gentle suggestion, when you post about your theories on health related forums, it's better not to suggest that a serious illness is a 'choice'.
Can you tell us more about your CFS and what symptoms were helped by the white noise therapy?
Regarding the fetal hand position (the leg position is irrelevant , any leg position is fine), it is not the position itself that started out magical, it is that THAT POSITION is the one chosen by the fetus over millions of years that created the gene for thriving if the fetus or we assume that position. IF the position had been touching the fetus' toes , then that would be the one that helped us today, do you see? IF we had evolved wearing a nylon shirt every day of our lives over millions of years, then wearing a nylon shirt would probably have evolved as a trigger for a similar benefit. THis tendency for evolution to work this way is seen in us now receiving a benefit from sunlight ultraviolet rays , which are actually harmgul but have evolved a benefit of producing vitamin D. Evolution cause us to create genes that aid in our survival and you can see how if we do something all the time or a lot over a long period that would aid so to speak in the process of evolution causing us to be greatly benefitted by doing that same thing. A similar positioin that provides enormous healing and immune stim is to put your arm straight out to the side, like one does when on a couch and resting his arm on the cushion on the side of him, or putting it around your girlfrieind on the side of you. I wondered why this would have evolved as a trigger ,what did we do that equaled that, for a long period of time, and then I looked at the photos or the fetus in a very early stage and the arms , what little there are of them, go straight out to the side , so that had to be the reason.THe postion is very strong, and that can be explained that in that stage the fetus would not have moved his arms , probably couldnt even do that if it wanted, and thus there was a lot of time to perfect that positon so to speak in the form of a gene that was ideal for imm stim .
Same with the theta state, it works because that is the state we were in contrinously for so long in the womb, presumedly. It takes ten seconds to reach full imm. stim. effects.in me. I tried to get a psych prof at Univ of Calif to test it to see if snow puts you in theta like I believe from what I experience i when doing snow and at first he said ok and them he called back and said he didnt have time. Anyone out there with a eeg machine? BUt what would it add for you to have a dozen studies on brainwaves during snow, you would still have to rely on me telling you it stimulates immunity in ten seconds, big time, because no one else would even know that, and that cant be tested for, all the stimulative imm. tests deal with what happens over some time, not in seconds and I dontt think it can ever be tested in a lab because you take the blood out of the persons body and then the effect of looking at snow theta on triggering whateve signal it is that stimulates the immune cells would immediately be lost. One could prove it by using it on volunteers colds or whatever infection, IF you had the million dollars or whatever amount to conduct a bona fide study. SO all weve got is me, and you. I say it is the greatest therapy across the board in the history of mankind, and you have a body with afflictions. Test away, but you have to do it the way I descxribed, no too close radiation , dont smoke, etc or dont expect anything,
And for confirmation I posted about the seems like about forth other people along the way who have tried these methods who get dramatic , unprecendented results on various ailments. According to someone who posted this thread here, some other people tried snow for CFS and felt better, but I can guarantee you they didnt incorporate all the conditions necessary to cure it that I am claiming are necessry, plus back then, the plague of flat screened tv sets hadnt done what they do now, which is with pratically every neighbor if you are in an apartment now having one, if within roughly seventeen feet of one thats on, I lose all effect of the snow, except possibly the anti anxiety effect to some degree. Its not tht a flat screened tv radiation is so enormous, its that it is so far from natural energy, so only a little bit of it makes our imm sys balk. Again famiiliarity over millions of year is what makes something benefit us and the farther from what we have been ueed to experiencing the more harmful something is going to be , is what Ive found to be teh case when it comes to energy hitting us.
Regarding schizophrenia being a choice, that is not my theory, how the hell would I know, it is the information on the internet of a channeled entity called "Elias" who I have come to believe in and trust for many many reasons. ANd he doesnt mean a conscious choice, rather a choice for experience made before birth by the consciousness.
Regarding my CFS symptoms you asked about , that this eliminated, not helped , eliminated,, the main one that was so scary to me is my immune system stayed turned on , as noted in an above post of mine, which I seem to be the only person in the history of the planet who has had the particular factor in my blood that allows me to know this, due to its effect that when my immunity is being stimulated, my muscles contract to the same degree as the degree of immune stimulation. THe natural state of my and extrapolating, our immunitiy is for our immune system not to be in this stimulated state, and if they become stimulated by anything, in order for us to avoid overheating the imm sys. so to speak, which would cause an autoimmune reaction, bad news, there is a rest period following each half minute or so of stim. In this constant state of imm stim, I observed in myself , there was no such rest period and so I started to feel hot in a way I had never felt before, like my metabolism was being raised, and flu like but not feeling like one does from an infection, different, new to me, aversion on some occasions to light, and my immunity began to wear down, I got a cold which were always easy to snuff in a couiple of minutes with these methods, that was not able to be readily eliminated any more, and the degree of muscle contraction, and thus imm. stim . began to siminish from the imm. stim being non stop, thus my imm sys was losing its punch.
According to at least five medical journal articles in print ten years ago, and agreed to as recently as June in a new medical journal CFS article,, that is what causes CFS, a constant turned on state of the imm sys. I eliminated it all ten times it happened to me using the above methods, and I explained in a post here above why I got CFS so many times and it was not the same bout , but ten different bouts , each one totally cured by these methods for even a year, always in one hour. I stim my immunity each time by snow or hand up in fetal position or by one other similar method, along with being also in a state in which I would have in before man started making man made things that affected us , rather than just being arount nature which is true any time before what, a hundred years ago. I posted above that seems to be happening by stim my imm in this way, is to also stimulate the regulating arm of the immune system, the t suppressor cells is what I was referring to, this factor suppresses my t suppressor cells making me get CFS easily, and only things that evolved over a long period that now sitim our immunitiy are able to so effectively stim those cells, thus all other imm stim methods will fail to cure CFS.
Steve Lord