tsunami warning


Senior Member
Global warming could be a factor increasing seismic activity from now on.
As the ice at the poles melts the redistribution of weight on the continental plates causes shifting = more earthquakes and volcanoes.


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
We're OK here in Los Angeles. We don't really have the coastal topography here to concentrate and funnel the waves, as they apparently do in Santa Cruz and Crescent City, which have both been damaged (but boats and docks mainly, not a matter of the waves coming inland or anything.)

Very concerned for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. I do really wonder how the heck I would handle it if there were a natural disaster here and I had to evacuate. I think those of us who are disabled have to think extra hard about our disaster plans. I've been putting it off, but pledge to do so no longer.


Senior Member
Just like the name CFS, they need to re-emphasize "Global Climate Change" rather than "Global Warming." That way people aren't just thinking of warmer temps as I've visited my hometown and they are not experiencing warmer temps but record-breaking colder temps these last few years.

Disability and emergency evacuation -- a major prob that was highlighted by Katrina when several hospitals, nursing homes, etc. had patients who were stuck.

I'm sorta fatalistic about natural disasters. I have some emergency stuff but figure if it's your time, it's your time.


Senior Member
As if those poor people haven't been through enough, now they have to worry about five nuclear reactors at two power plants that are in danger of melting down.


Senior Member
The problem with risk analysis is that it assesses risk based on known factors.
But as global warming accelerates increased ice melt will lead to land rising in the northern hemisphere ( as it is relieved of the weight of ice) and areas that previously were not earthquake prone could experience them. Norway had a huge earthquake during the last ice age.
How should this affect our assesment of the risk of nuclear power in europe and america?


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
There is a lot of speculation that it could be related to the fact that the moon will orbit at its closet distance from earth in over 18 years on March 19th (plus it will be a full moon as well). Increased gravity from moon can cause lower than normal tides thus decreasing pressure on the sea floor. This pressure is partially responsible for holding down the tectonic plates.

Some even go as far as predicting an increase in volcano activity and much more aquafur activity ("Ole Faithful" at Yellowstone National Park).

There are some scientist that are saying that the 8.9 earthquake was an "aftershock" to an 7.2 earthquake that occured 2 days earlier than the 8.9 earthquake. Look at all of the aftershocks greater than 6.0 that have happened in Japan since the 8.9 quake. The earthquake in Christchurch, NZ was around 6.0 and the 8.9 quake was 1000 times more powerful than the earthquake in Haiti (These facts are for comparison only and in no away is meant to suggest the people of New Zealand and Haiti suffered any less). The people in all of these countries should still be kept in our prayers!
Can anyone share thoughts about Japan releasing radioactive vapor into the environment. Does this have any chance of reaching the US? Or the West Coast? Is there anything more than Iodide recommended to protect ourselves? I am watching the internet (since I am without a TV) for news of the Japanese power plants, but how much warning would we get? Does anyone have a news source they trust? I am truly wondering how and when we would know if the emergency or danger increased.

I hope folks are aware and ready to take precautionary measures to detox radiation even though the EPA and UCB are still reporting "low" levels. EPA claimed air at NY Trade Center ground zero was safe for rescue workers and first responders. Now those brave folks are fighting serious illnesses.


At least France is warning their "vulnerable populations." I consider people with CFS in the vulnerable populations list.