BTW while promoting this it's come to my attention that there are an unfortunate large group of PWME mostly young and mild ill who take the UK spin at face value.
I think one of the things that could be going on here is that CFS/ME is still used as a wastebasket diagnosis, so there will be significant numbers of people being told they have the condition when they don't.
And particularly for some of the youngsters, who lack an understanding of the nature and history of the illness, they are quite happy to take the label (thinking it validates whatever they have as something special or important). They are then the ones who will "recover" when given a bit of time and attention - and of course these are the patients that the clinics like to deal with (as opposed to those of us who can't be brought round with a bit of lifestyle managment and "positive" thinking)
Again underlines the need for a proper protocol for making the diagnoses, and then getting appropriate treatment.