Trial By Error, Continued: A Few Words About “Harassment” David Tuller


Senior Member
If this is what everyone is referring to this research, I see no issues with Ellen Goudsmit comments. However, I do see Angela Kennedy of the 'One Click Group' viewpoint unrealistic concerning using CCC definition ref. research as this would not be incorporated into reseach as the focus was clinical & procedures had not been adopted at this early date for research.


Senior Member
@Bob Is this for me? I'm totally confused on Ellen's position. Is she talking about harrasment by researchers and patients towards her or harrassment toward researchers? Since she suffers from ME/CFS, I wonder if this has impaired her perception of events. I don't know enough of the backstory but her rambling discourse on is confusing a number of people including me.


Senior Member
Whatever the reason, her modus operandi on social media has generally been to start an argument at cross purposes to what has been said, then lash out at everyone who disagrees with her. I haven't read the thread in question (life really is too short, even with ME), but am I getting warm?

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
She's come across as confused. It's difficult to tell which camp she allies herself with as her use of 'we' can either mean ME researchers or PWME from post to post. But ultimately not backing up her assertions about harassment with proof back up Tuller's point, don't they?


Senior Member
I think Ellen is genuinely still upset about the fight she had with the one click group and to be precise one particular person who started the group.

To be honest, I'm afraid EG is upset about pretty anything.

She's come across as confused. It's difficult to tell which camp she allies herself with

I think her only camp is her own.
Whatever her aim was, she managed to turn the whole comment section upside down, not doing us a great service. Every comment is fueling her writing.

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
To be honest, I'm afraid EG is upset about pretty anything.

I think her only camp is her own.
Whatever her aim was, she managed to turn the whole comment section upside down, not doing us a great service. Every comment is fueling her writing.

I think she's doing neither camp a great service, especially as she's the only person (kind of) allied with PACE to comment.
I guess all the key players know of her MO by now - so only new comers will question the statements.


Senior Member
But ultimately not backing up her assertions about harassment with proof back up Tuller's point, don't they?
Exactly. Don't forget though that her superior knowledge and authority place her out of Tuller's reach:
*"As a referee and examiner (stopped writing exam questions though), I would say Dr Tuller needs to review and tweak things here and there."
It all seems very pathetic to be bringing this up again now.
Wounded vanity takes a long time to heal.


Senior Member
Yes, imho it is best not to engage people or topics that are not contributing to the powerful momentum of the current conversation.
If off-topic voices just fall into a void of non-responsiveness, they will more likely be seen clearly for what they are without anyone having to try to point it out or fix it.

Of course if anti-productive behaviour continues or escalates, a carefully phrased offline request to refrain/desist could be in order.


Senior Member
I commented on one of her tweets one time and she nearly exploded ! I thought it was me but obviously I am not that unique afterall


Senior Member
I commented on one of her tweets one time and she nearly exploded ! I thought it was me but obviously I am not that unique afterall

Could be the effects of ME. I suppose for many outside the UK, her postings are 'Lost in Translation'