treatment for worms has helped my gut a bit but why?


Senior Member

Could you do me a favour and ask Valerian (Valeriano?) which of the three antiparasitic drugs that she tried was the most effective? Or did she try all of them simultaneously? Also, did she obtain the drugs in the Czech Republic with a prescription or did she order online? If it was the latter then which online pharmacy did she use?

Unfortunately, the drugs appear to be only available with a prescription in the UK (unless you buy one of the brands licensed for veterinary use, which I'm considering doing).

Thanks for your help.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Just an update from me again to say that my last dose has held for longer this time and my gut symptoms are still massively improved. I have also been able to eat wheat without any problems at all, have had no nausea or rumbling or trapped wind or pain etc.


Senior Member

Could you do me a favour and ask Valerian (Valeriano?) which of the three antiparasitic drugs that she tried was the most effective? Or did she try all of them simultaneously? Also, did she obtain the drugs in the Czech Republic with a prescription or did she order online? If it was the latter then which online pharmacy did she use?

Unfortunately, the drugs appear to be only available with a prescription in the UK (unless you buy one of the brands licensed for veterinary use, which I'm considering doing).

Thanks for your help.

She said ivermectin and praziquantel were most effective. She took them in sequence, not together. She had drugs from Czech boy, who lives in Thailand. In Thailand the drugs are free of prescription. They are not available in our country at all.

I think we live in the Middle Ages. When you got tuberculosis it was either from immoral thoughts or from mud's fumes. No difference today with other infections! According to white idiots the problem is always in our thoughts and even if one passes enormous tapeworm they are not able to identify it. They would not find an excavator if it arrived into their office, I think!


Senior Member
Hi justy, glad to hear youre improving!!! Something you might want to look into to help with other symptoms is, that worms cause intestinal blood loss which causes iron deficiency which judging by your low ferritin you have.

Theres some information on worms and iron deficiency here

And some information on the symptoms of iron deficiency here

You might find that taking extra iron and some extra B12 and Folate which are needed to make blood might help with some of the other symptoms.

Hope you keep on improving!!!

All the best


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Thanks rlc for your input -ive been taking iron for a long time now and my levels have very slowly improved but not by very much -will read up your links later thanks for taking the effort!

Im also on Thyroxine now for subclinical hypothyroidism or Sheehans syndrome and im hoping it will help -still too early to tell but all in all i am much improved since last year but still get the most terrible PEM if i try and do anything physical or too taxing mentally or emotionally but im beginnign to feel a bit like me again :)
Take care, Justy.


Senior Member
She said ivermectin and praziquantel were most effective. She took them in sequence, not together. She had drugs from Czech boy, who lives in Thailand. In Thailand the drugs are free of prescription. They are not available in our country at all.

It looks like both of those drugs are available from and they're not too expensive. It's not a company I've used before. However, other people here have recommended them in the past so I might give them a shot.


Senior Member
Does anyone know what happened to the research on Cryptostrongylus pulmoni by Dr. Klapow? Is he still doing it? Has there been any progress?


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Acer -ive tried following up on the research by searching on the net but cant find anything anywhere of any use to us, if anyone else has any up to date info that would be good -all the searches i do lead back to the same one interview/piece of research.


Senior Member
Hi justy, great that youve improved so much since last year. Not surprising that your ferritin is taking so long to go up if you have a worm infection but hopefully the medication will clear the infection and then your Ferritin will return to normal. Are you taking the dosage for tread or round worms? For round worms you need to take more medication for longer and repeat it after a few weeks. Theres a whole lot of really good information on round worms here

Such a shame everybody doesnt have to get tested for worms before they get a CFS diagnosis Dr Byron Hyde tests all his patients for parasites as they are commonly misdiagnosed as CFS. Ive written out all the tests he mentions in his article the complexities of diagnosis here if anyone is interested When you see all the tests he does and compare it to the tiny amount of tests the likes of the CDC and NICE recommend its not surprising that the new ICC criteria says that only 10% of people given CFS and ME diagnoses have ME, a 90% misdiagnosis rate is truly disturbing, but thats what you get if you dont test people properly and use vague criteria, anyway I digress.

As far as the Cryptostrongylus pulmoni goes I havent seen any updates on it, but it is a member of the roundworm family so I would imagine it could be killed by the same treatment as is used for roundworms, ordinary roundworms can also infect the lungs as well so theres nothing to surprising about Dr Klapow finding them in the lungs. There are quite a lot of herbal cures for worms but I would recommend anyone thinking of taking them to see a medical herbalist first as some of them are very powerful and might interact with other medications.

All the best Justy hope you keep improving !!!!


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I pulled these notes on Klinghardt's conference from:

This is, to my knowledge, Klinghardt's most recent thoughts on parasites in Lyme and ME/CFS. He seems to think they're the key for many of us. Interesting he specifies lungworm. Also his strong endorsement of Mimosa Pudica -I'd never heard of this one. If you look it up on Wikipedia you'll find: "Its extract immobilizes the filariform larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis in less than one hour."

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Parasites

Dr. Klinghardt has found immense success in treating parasites as a focus. Many that think Lyme is their problem actually are suffering from parasites. The natural sequence is to treat the parasites first and then treat the Lyme. When this is done, years of antibiotic therapy turns into weeks or months.
Parasite patients often express the psyche of the parasites - sticky, clingy, impossible to tolerate - but a wonderful human being is behind all of that.
We are all a composite of many personalities. Chronic infections outnumber our own cells by 10:1. We are 90% "other" and 10% "us". Our consciousness is a composite of 90% microbes and 10% us. Our thinking, feeling, creativity, and expression are 90% from the microbes within us. Patients often think, crave, and behave as if they are the parasite. Our thinking is shaded by the microbes thinking through us. The food choices, behavioral choices, and who we like is the thinking of the microbes within us expressing themselves.
Patients will reject all treatments that affect the issue that requires treating. Patients will not guide themselves to health when the microbes have taken over.
Viruses in the nervous system are likely not the cause of CFS. They are certainly often present, but when treated, the patient may only get a little better. The two main causes are parasites (mainly lungworm) and chronic nasal staph infection. These nasal infections enter the hypothalamus which then leads to suppression of MSH. One's level of fatigue and level of MSH are directly related. MSH is depressed by bacteria and mycotoxins.
Parasite treatment may be needed for 6 months to a year.
Parasites induce changes in our system to make us a comfortable host.
Natural deworming treatments such as Hulda Clark formulations have been weak and disappointing.
Mimosa pudica powder is an Ayurvedic herb that is 30 times stronger than the best medical drug. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day two days a week and working up to 1 teaspoon daily for 3 months.
Can use rectal application of 1 capsule of BioPure Freeze-dried garlic, 100mg artemisinin, 1 teaspoon phospholipids with pure water in a bulb syringe from the local drugstore. Make the mix liposomal using the ultrasonic method used with the Klinghardt Cocktail. Hold it. This cleans the rectum and then gets absorbed such that many start to see visible evidence of worm elimination. A good first step in parasite elimination.
Parasite treatment is best done with concurrent colonic therapy. 2 colonics per week; 1 day after the other.
Nail biting is a sign of parasites.
Alinia and Albendazole both cross the blood-brain barrier.
Deworming is significant in ASD kids. Every biofilm has worm DNA in it.
The more you deworm, the longer you live and the healthier you are.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Para Klenz by antitox is great for these parasites...they cause the most problems but easy to get rid of..6 weeks but should do off and on for a lengthy time.

Klinghardt also talks alot about CCSVI at that conference which is a huge issue for ME patients! I just started balloon dilation which Klinghardt mentions in the notes as well, very good treatment for resetting the nervous system as well as opening blood vessels from the brain to get blood flowing throughout the body.


Senior Member
I pulled these notes on Klinghardt's conference from:

This is, to my knowledge, Klinghardt's most recent thoughts on parasites in Lyme and ME/CFS. He seems to think they're the key for many of us. Interesting he specifies lungworm. Also his strong endorsement of Mimosa Pudica -I'd never heard of this one. If you look it up on Wikipedia you'll find: "Its extract immobilizes the filariform larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis in less than one hour."

What is MSH?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
This is from Klinghardt too.

MSH ( alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone)

regulatory hypothalamic neuropetide. Controls peripheral cytokine release and both posterior and anterior pituitary function. Low in 2011 patient: chronic fatigue, unusual pain syndromes, MCS, FMS. Normal (LabCorp): 35-81 pg/ml
Cause for low levels:

1. hypothalamus-specific biotoxins from multiple antibiotic resistant coagulase negative staphylococci (MARCoNS) in nasal/sinus mucosa Dx: Api-Staph culture/Cambridge Biomedical

2. indoor mold/EMF exposure (toxic home or workplace)

3. late stage Lyme


Nedi pot daily with ? tsp seasalt, ? tsp Alkala, 1 tsp xylitol
Thomas Rau sinus flush with Sanum remedies
MARCoN nasal spray (B.E.G. = EDTA , Gentamycin, Mupirocin), Sanukehl Staph
Mitigate mold and Lyme/co-infections
Mitigate EMR stress
Restore sleep (


Senior Member
If you try them, let me know, how it goes.

I ordered the drugs over the weekend. Unfortunately, Magic Pharma are now jerking me around. They're insisting that I provide them with my telephone number before they ship my order. But I'm not prepared to do that in case they sell my data to a spammer. So I might have to insist on a refund and go to another company.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I ordered the drugs over the weekend. Unfortunately, Magic Pharma are now jerking me around. They're insisting that I provide them with my telephone number before they ship my order. But I'm not prepared to do that in case they sell my data to a spammer. So I might have to insist on a refund and go to another company.

if its worth anything, i havent got any spam from magic pharma and i have been ordering from them for awhile.
