Thanks Gary. Always interested to learn more about what's going on in the folate department.
To set a bit of context - and for the benefit of newbies - Dr Greg's rather interesting idea is that:
1. We CFS (etc) people don't have a B12 problem - we have a B12 and B2 problem. B12 doesn't work much without adequate B2, and many people are deficient in B2. (Nearly all dairy-free people like myself, for example.)
2. If you don't have (or supplement) adequate B2 - say about 40 mg/day - you will need tons more folate - probably often megadoses. If you take the B2 with your B12, you don't need a lot of folate (I now take 800 mcg/day - down from 4,800.)
3. If you don't take your B2, you will need methylfolate; but with B2 you can eat ordinary folate & it will cycle to methylfolate okay by itself. (Haven't been brave enough to try this one yet.)
4. Transdermal B12 is way, way better than sublingual, because (i) you get 80% of it, instead of 5%; (ii) it enters the system very slowly, which is perfect, because transcobalamin loading can only happen one way - slowly; (iii) it doesn't rot your teeth or hang around in your mouth for hours; (iv) most of us can take one dose a day instead of three.
I'm only a few days into the above approach, so can't say if it works for me or not. So far the oils have removed maybe 65% of my fatigue. (The fatigue returned when my Freddd Protocol doses got really screwed up from a week of international travel.) And going much lower on the m-folate hasn't yet caused any harm (no apparent PFD symptoms). Potassium demand isn't as great. Euphoria & some sleeplessness (I've had this from B12 before). I'll post more as things develop.
Gary, Greg's theory might suggest that if you were taking enough B2 & B12, you shouldn't have had any problems with folate in the pizza. Which obviously isn't what happened. Unless he means that with B2 we can convert the natural folate, rather than folic acid...
To set a bit of context - and for the benefit of newbies - Dr Greg's rather interesting idea is that:
1. We CFS (etc) people don't have a B12 problem - we have a B12 and B2 problem. B12 doesn't work much without adequate B2, and many people are deficient in B2. (Nearly all dairy-free people like myself, for example.)
2. If you don't have (or supplement) adequate B2 - say about 40 mg/day - you will need tons more folate - probably often megadoses. If you take the B2 with your B12, you don't need a lot of folate (I now take 800 mcg/day - down from 4,800.)
3. If you don't take your B2, you will need methylfolate; but with B2 you can eat ordinary folate & it will cycle to methylfolate okay by itself. (Haven't been brave enough to try this one yet.)
4. Transdermal B12 is way, way better than sublingual, because (i) you get 80% of it, instead of 5%; (ii) it enters the system very slowly, which is perfect, because transcobalamin loading can only happen one way - slowly; (iii) it doesn't rot your teeth or hang around in your mouth for hours; (iv) most of us can take one dose a day instead of three.
I'm only a few days into the above approach, so can't say if it works for me or not. So far the oils have removed maybe 65% of my fatigue. (The fatigue returned when my Freddd Protocol doses got really screwed up from a week of international travel.) And going much lower on the m-folate hasn't yet caused any harm (no apparent PFD symptoms). Potassium demand isn't as great. Euphoria & some sleeplessness (I've had this from B12 before). I'll post more as things develop.
Gary, Greg's theory might suggest that if you were taking enough B2 & B12, you shouldn't have had any problems with folate in the pizza. Which obviously isn't what happened. Unless he means that with B2 we can convert the natural folate, rather than folic acid...
I've actually been experimenting with methyl folate lately. I had been taking 2000mcg or more per day, but I didn't have any clear symptoms that it seemed to help. So I decided to see what my minimum requirement was. I stepped down to 1000mcg, down to 400mcg, and for the last 2+ weeks (until last night) I have had **NO** folate except from food sources -- and I didn't notice any issues. Apparently I'm taking enough B2 so I don't need supplemental folate.
I do think, though, that folic acid can mess that up. I generally try to stay away from folic acid (like wheat products) but I'm not fanatical about it. Last night I took my son out for pizza and ate half a 14" deep-dish pizza, including most of the crust. At about 2am I woke with what seemed to be my classic B12 deficiency symptoms: agitation, muscle twitching, etc. I took more B12 and it didn't help. I took 1000mcg of folate -- first I've had in weeks -- and that helped a lot. But I still had some agitation & twitching. I took about 800mcg of potassium (chloride) and that finally settled me down.
This isn't the first time chowing down on pizza has caused a night like this. I've had the same problem with the same pizza place, and it took folate to snap me out of it that time too. Though last month I had even more pizza one night, with no problem. But that was more of a "natural" pizza place and they may have used non-enriched (no added folic acid) flour?
So anyway. I suspect Greg is right, and I don't normally need the folate I've been taking. But I will keep some on hand for situations like last night.