Have a Happy Birthday, and my wish for you Rich is that you have many, many more!!!
Thanks for your sharing, I hope you feel appreciated here. You are one of the most valued foot soldiers for our cause!
I'm not big on birthdays so I wish all your days be happy including this one. Your willingness to apply your efforts and intelligence to the difficult and non-glorious task of solving ME/CFS is appreciated more than you'll ever know.
Your selfless dedication to pursuing answers and materially changing lives is appreciated more than you probably realize. Thank you, Happy Easter, and Happy Birthday.
Thanks very much to all of you for the Happy Birthday and Happy Easter wishes!
I had a great day, and am looking forward to more of them. I also want to thank
all of you for taking my work seriously. I continue to learn a lot from all of you.
I look forward to all of us together making more progress in understanding and
conquering this disorder.
A special thank you to Dan for starting this thread!
Sorry I wasn't online yesterday but I wanted to add my thanks to Rich and glad that he had such a good day and Easter. I really appreciate everything you have done for us Rich, long may it continue!