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TMW You get banned from a me/cfs subreddit for speaking on misdiagnosis and "recovery/cure" stories


Senior Member
Need reddit to somehow rename the subreddits from r/cfsme and r/mecfs to r/brainretraining and r/cbt
Perhaps they will take action if we report with adequate infomertion like the infomation above
can you get the contact address, and prepare a template with scientific sources we can use for email?
i will write a email then.
but we need more than the above text, we need scientific material to base our claims. because reddit workers know nothing about this.


Senior Member
can you get the contact address, and prepare a template with scientific sources we can use for email?
i will write a email then.
but we need more than the above text, we need scientific material to base our claims. because reddit workers know nothing about this.
Im not a scientific person, but i know that my qualifications on this illness is more valid then the UK psychologist who ran the flawed PACE trial.
Perhaps you can link infomation like the below as an example.

One example- Thankyou to a MECFS patient who is now very very severe Alem Matthees- We know to ignore anyone who suggests CBT and GET in the same sentence as recovery.

Essentially, a group of highly influential British psychiatrists developed the treatment as they believed patients weren't sick & instead were deconditioned due to a fear of exertion. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy was used in concert to help 'correct' these fears. These psychiatrists went on to author a highly influential study known as the PACE trial in 2011 which was published in The Lancet, one of the world's most prestigious medical journals. At the time it was the largest & most expensive ME/CFS trial. It was highly influential & a Cochrane review in 2015 cemented GETs status as the defacto treatment for ME/CFS.

However the PACE trial was flawed to the point of being fraudulent. Before the trial began the authors set statistical standards to determine whether participants recovered. To be considered 'recovered' participants had to meet established standards on fatigue & physical function. However, after the trial started the authors changed these standards. The new definition of 'recovered' was so different that participants could get worse over the course of the study & still be considered 'recovered'. In fact, the new standard for physical function was so low that an 80 year old person would exceed it. Ultimately, the study was deeply unethical, deceptive, & in any other circumstance would not have been approved for publication. These depth of fraud became apparent after an Australian ME/CFS patient named Alem Matthees spent considerable energy & health on a Freedom of Information Act request, which eventually became a legal battle, for the PACE trial data.



Senior Member
One example- Thankyou to a MECFS patient who is now very very severe Alem Matthees- We know to ignore anyone who suggests CBT and GET in the same sentence as recovery.
sarcasm and polemic should not be used in such inquiries. i also would not reveal my sickness status and rather be complete informal just pointing out the facts.

i have no oversight over me/cfs studies, but there are folks in this forum who have a really good oversight. maybe someone can make a compilation?


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
we need scientific material to base our claims. because reddit workers know nothing about this.

i have no oversight over me/cfs studies, but there are folks in this forum who have a really good oversight. maybe someone can make a compilation?
@JasonPerth, maybe look up some of what Countrygirl has published here on PR from David Tuller. Perhaps you could even contact him to get his help on this. IDK, it's just an idea.


Senior Member
I'm 76 yrs. old now. When I was a child, I found it extremely hard to sit, at least without a chair.

My parents were the type who didn't overindulge such things (thankfully, I may add), but it was found that I had scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis and my childhood was spent in casts with braces added. Of course all of this added about 25 lbs. to my torso and while I was actually very skinny, I had a hard time finding clothes that would fit this very awkward body.

I was lucky enough to be seen by a specialist from Pitts., and then one from Erie as I lived between a few cities. I had two specialists giving advice and it actually worked in my favor. The casts in those days were heavy....nothing light about them.

My scoliosis did improve with this treatment, but at about age 38 I was having symptoms of losing strength in my arms, hands and overall exhaustion. I saw a young neurologist who was shocked when I said that I had back pain for as long as I could remember. I was equally (or more) shocked when he said that wasn't normal at all. People are not born with back pain. So the first of my neurological diseases was discovered and 3 more were found from that.....I had seen multiple doctors, but he was the only one who had seen this particular illness (at that time) because he had also volunteered in Third World Countries. Also, the MRI had just been invented, thankfully.

To make a long story short, my arm pain led to neck pain and carpal tunnel surgery had been recommended by others. Thank goodness for this other doctor. Especially back then. I had hydrocephalus so did have to have spinal cord surgery......and that was horrible.

So here I was a child. I had no idea about referred pain, psychologically induced pain, none of it. I never even complained about it....everyone, it seemed, had an aching back from one thing or another, so I thought it was normal.

Well, my back still aches and a number of falls and osteoporosis haven't improved it. I'm simply not worried about what certain "experts" say. For me it's a reality and it's something that I have to live with. Even my family never knew the extent of my pain.....when you're the oldest of 9 children, you meet the challenges given to you.

Until we get a specific marker, we'll never be taken seriously in certain forums and by certain people. I think we can all agree that stress makes things worse, so the "experts" are right about that, but it's not the cause, it just isn't. Why worry about what they say? We have doctors on this forum and their opinions would be the ones worth getting. Anyone reading this?

I should also mention that there are plenty of books where we are believed and the reasons (thought to be) are clearly stated. MS was exactly the same way before proof was obtained....and believe it or not, that wasn't that long ago. Yes, those people were thought to be psychologically wounded. I'm not against the psychiatric world, as a matter of fact I've used it frequently


Senior Member
If you have MECFS and your 78 you have done well. Many systemic issues fail on people at a much younger age. All very very random and prognosis for us i would say is unknown….. which is scary but im happy to face the truth.
Lets hope for answers asap


Senior Member
That being said, I have yet to hear an actual recovery/cure story (I'm talking 80-100% better and essentially no longer sick, not just improvement) that I believed
Most everyone in this forum that knows me would likely say I have legit ME/CFS, though mild.

That said, you should believe me when I tell you I'm 85%+ better, and it's stayed that way. My son says I'm 95% better. It was IFN Lambda treatment, which I've started taking again to get to 100%.

This is a message I posted elsewhere, yesterday... 100% true

Though I will say @hapl808 is right when he says "there's not one cure that will work for everyone"

I also agree w/ you about people claiming to be cured and not really having ME/CFS/LC


Que sera sera
I'm 76 yrs. old now. When I was a child, I found it extremely hard to sit, at least without a chair.

My parents were the type who didn't overindulge such things (thankfully, I may add), but it was found that I had scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis and my childhood was spent in casts with braces added. Of course all of this added about 25 lbs. to my torso and while I was actually very skinny, I had a hard time finding clothes that would fit this very awkward body.

I was lucky enough to be seen by a specialist from Pitts., and then one from Erie as I lived between a few cities. I had two specialists giving advice and it actually worked in my favor. The casts in those days were heavy....nothing light about them.

My scoliosis did improve with this treatment, but at about age 38 I was having symptoms of losing strength in my arms, hands and overall exhaustion. I saw a young neurologist who was shocked when I said that I had back pain for as long as I could remember. I was equally (or more) shocked when he said that wasn't normal at all. People are not born with back pain. So the first of my neurological diseases was discovered and 3 more were found from that.....I had seen multiple doctors, but he was the only one who had seen this particular illness (at that time) because he had also volunteered in Third World Countries. Also, the MRI had just been invented, thankfully.

To make a long story short, my arm pain led to neck pain and carpal tunnel surgery had been recommended by others. Thank goodness for this other doctor. Especially back then. I had hydrocephalus so did have to have spinal cord surgery......and that was horrible.

So here I was a child. I had no idea about referred pain, psychologically induced pain, none of it. I never even complained about it....everyone, it seemed, had an aching back from one thing or another, so I thought it was normal.

Well, my back still aches and a number of falls and osteoporosis haven't improved it. I'm simply not worried about what certain "experts" say. For me it's a reality and it's something that I have to live with. Even my family never knew the extent of my pain.....when you're the oldest of 9 children, you meet the challenges given to you.

Until we get a specific marker, we'll never be taken seriously in certain forums and by certain people. I think we can all agree that stress makes things worse, so the "experts" are right about that, but it's not the cause, it just isn't. Why worry about what they say? We have doctors on this forum and their opinions would be the ones worth getting. Anyone reading this?

I should also mention that there are plenty of books where we are believed and the reasons (thought to be) are clearly stated. MS was exactly the same way before proof was obtained....and believe it or not, that wasn't that long ago. Yes, those people were thought to be psychologically wounded. I'm not against the psychiatric world, as a matter of fact I've used it frequently

Amazingly well said Lenora.
Solid advice too 😘

Ps. I’m so happy you found that dr and were validated after so many years of not having been. That was quite well deserved for you. I know how much they meant you, god rest their soul 🙏