Tissue specific signature of HHV-6 infection in ME/CFS (Bhupesh Prusty)

Prusty has been tweeting today, says hes able to differentiate patients from controls based on 3 proteins in serum. Doesnt want to reveal details yet.

Could these be the activities that induces mitochondrial network fragmentation as described in his 2020 paper.
could you make any sense out of the heat signature he shows that chart?
Not sure since there arent any descriptions. But im guessing the concentrations of the proteins are on a spectrum from high (dark blue) to low (red) or the other way around. Since the controls are on the right side they all have low concentrations while most of the patients are quite blue.


Senior Member
The protein finding isn't really new because we have heard about metabolic and protein related findings before. Maybe this is a different 3 to the usual suspects from prior papers or maybe its a replication. There are so many metabolites off I presume these 3 are going to be linked back to EBV or HHV6 given his prior finding.
The protein finding isn't really new because we have heard about metabolic and protein related findings before. Maybe this is a different 3 to the usual suspects from prior papers or maybe its a replication. There are so many metabolites off I presume these 3 are going to be linked back to EBV or HHV6 given his prior finding.
What are those usual suspects?

The problem with many other findings is that there are big overlap with controls so you would need a whole bucket of molecules to single out the patients. Also the connection between the molecules is not very obvious, one molecule is high and one is low but nobody knows why it matters.
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Senior Member
I could have heard wrong, but I think in a somewhat recent video with the NIH and Ian Lipkin... Everyone stated that they have not seen any signs of viral infection in their research.


There's a new tweet from Prusty suggesting he has found a biomarker.

"We will announce a biomarker for #MECFS and #LongCovid very soon. A very interesting piece of the puzzle to unfold in coming weeks. Knowingly I did not use the word 'Novel Biomarker' as a lot is known about it and that is actually a very good news. Fingers crossed!"

This is probably linked to the patients vs controls heatmap he tweeted in December: he's found *somethiing* on which patients and controls differ.

In some other tweets he has been suggesting that he isn't using any whiz-bang new tricks, just looking at known entities, using known techniques.

He also hints that it has something to do with clotting.

The info will come out on May 11 when he presents at a MECFS symposium in Berlin. That is 42 days away!

Looks like there will be a free livestream of that event: https://www.medpoint-gmbh.de/me-cfs-conference-2023

There will then be more information in June when he attends the IIMEC conference in Cambridge.
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Senior Member
I wouldn't be surprised its literally as boring as the micro clots contain HHV6 or EBV and there is a simple way to break them up and ascertain that fact. Would be a simple biomarker showing viral persistence which has proved is happening in the brain which previously we hadn't detected in the blood because the body had wrapped them up in tiny clots. Simple and straightforward and boring pathology rooted in a likely cause of the disease.


Senior Member
I wouldn't be surprised its literally as boring as the micro clots contain HHV6 or EBV and there is a simple way to break them up and ascertain that fact. Would be a simple biomarker showing viral persistence which has proved is happening in the brain which previously we hadn't detected in the blood because the body had wrapped them up in tiny clots. Simple and straightforward and boring pathology rooted in a likely cause of the disease.
Is there evidence for this in any journals?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Is there evidence for this in any journals?

I thought Aquirre-Chang posted published protocols for going after micro clots.

Threads around here...I keep trying to sort of implement it but experience "set backs" and Im very slow going on taking nato...


Senior Member
Is there evidence for this in any journals?

Well there is Prusty's autopsies paper on EBV and HHV6 found in ME/CFS patient brains and then there is Pretorius et el on microclots. This is just the boring combination of the two, puts his virus persistence together with microclots. Its just a guess, it could be anything he is hinting at especially since Prusty suggested they were interested in looking at ME/CFS generically they might have found something boring and easy to test from that.


Senior Member
Professor Iwasaki at Yale also found evidence of herpes reactivation in long covid. Particularly EBV and VZV. I think it was a result of exhausted T cells...

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I messaged Prusty on twitter

I noticed some people pushed back on Yet Another Rumor.

I thought I was still waiting for the major Prusty announcement from last June. Something was going to be presented at a conference or big meeting, last June and I was ...still wondering what that was?


Senior Member
This isn't directly related to the announcement of a biomarker. But as someone who got ill from a herpes onset here are some horses in the race for new HSV treatments.

-MRNA Moderna therapeutic vaccine (cure) - 10 years out give or take
-Pretilivir. Works better than valtrex and kills the virus earlier and by a different means. (will likely be authorized to treat hsv infections in 2024 or 2025 but initially only will be available to immunocompromised)
-Im250. A modified version of pretilivir that was shrunk so it can get to more places in the body, notably the central nervous system. I think its only in phase 1

There exists a drug similar to pretilivir that is available in Japan called Amenamivir. If you search this forum theres a user in Germany who gave it 3 weeks and stopped. Said he felt worse.

I cant remember if theres any scattered testimonials on people with cfs who tried large doses of valtrex ie 3g

Either way new weapons in the making. There are other companies competing against modernas mrna but a cures a decade out give or take. We also will have a non therapeutic preventative herpes vaccine in 5-7 years.
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