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Tired beyond belief B12 and Folate deficiency

I am trying to find more about my illness and why I cannot absorb both vitamins B12 and Folate. I went to my doctor telling him that I felt exhausted 24/7, headachy, confused and achy sometimes with a sore throat and a lot of weakness. I could sleep for more hours in the day than I'm awake and still want to sleep after being awake for half an hour.

My blood tests came back showing that I have severely low levels of both B12 and Folate. There are two doctors at the practice that have 45 years experience between them and they've both told me that they've never seen this in a 28 year old girl. I have to have B12 injections 3 times a week for 2 weeks and after the first week introduce Folate. The doctor said I'll feel much better after my third injection but we can't work out why I can't absorb both vitamins.

Tests showed that I wasn't anaemic nor was I suffering from coeliac disease. He cannot work out why I am deficient in both. I can't remember my Folate level but I remember my B12 level sitting at 120 which he said was low. I'm looking forward to feeling better but I want to know if anyone out there has heard of this problem before and what caused their deficiency? I eat well and try to exercise when I'm not so tired and don't smoke or drink a lot of alcohol. I hope someone has heard of this before!
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Senior Member
Have you tested for MTHFR genes? It's quite common and while some folks with it test abnormally high with B vitamins (but still have the symptoms of deficiency) it's also possible to test low on those vitamins. It might be important to know - because supplementing with the standard B12 and standard folic acid can make you worse if you have MTHFR.
There are several genes that can affect your B-12 levels as well as several medications and disorders. The MTHFR gene is one, so are the MTR and MTRR genes. There is a list of meds that also block the body from absorbing B-12 and folate. Here's a link: http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/vitamin-b9-folic-acid The list of drugs is toward the bottom. One of the genes combined with one of these medicines can be pretty severe. Also, any damage to the intestine can cause B-12 deficiency without having any other factors.

Have you read through the posts on Active B-12 protocol? This will also give you lots of ideas.
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Thank you S.A. and PennyIA.

I appreciate your feedback - I will look into those things. I'm brand new to all of this and have never even used a forum so I am very happy to have had responses already. I will investigate with the info you have suggested. I am very thankful.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Can you tell us the type of B12 they are injecting? Usually it would be cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin or methycobalamin, and also how many mgs (not mls). Cyanocobalamin is inactive and needs about 15 conversions to make it active. Some of us are genetically unable to do this. It also has cyanide as a breakdown product. Your doctor will probably laugh at these points as most docs use cyanocobalamin.

Many of us here have been injecting B12 several times a week for years, so 2 weeks is nothing. This is because many here have methylation blocks--and you may have this too.

And can you post the type of folate and the dose. You would not want to be using folic acid as it too is inactive. You would want an active form of folate. There is a huge amount written about this in the methylation section of this forum. Also look here for more details:


Best wishes,


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I am trying to find more about my illness and why I cannot absorb both vitamins B12 and Folate. I went to my doctor telling him that I felt exhausted 24/7, headachy, confused and achy sometimes with a sore throat and a lot of weakness. I could sleep for more hours in the day than I'm awake and still want to sleep after being awake for half an hour.

My blood tests came back showing that I have severely low levels of both B12 and Folate. There are two doctors at the practice that have 45 years experience between them and they've both told me that they've never seen this in a 28 year old girl. I have to have B12 injections 3 times a week for 2 weeks and after the first week introduce Folate. The doctor said I'll feel much better after my third injection but we can't work out why I can't absorb both vitamins.

Tests showed that I wasn't anaemic nor was I suffering from coeliac disease. He cannot work out why I am deficient in both. I can't remember my Folate level but I remember my B12 level sitting at 120 which he said was low. I'm looking forward to feeling better but I want to know if anyone out there has heard of this problem before and what caused their deficiency? I eat well and try to exercise when I'm not so tired and don't smoke or drink a lot of alcohol. I hope someone has heard of this before!

Hi Clairelousma,

My best guess is paradoxical folate deficiency as a cause that could do that at your age We are seeing a lot of that now. If you checked your symptoms against the lists towards the end of STAGES OF METHYLATION AND HEALING could tell us a lot. At the beginning of the thread is a description of the levels.

Thanks Sushi.

I'm not too sure about the B12 doses. I have my 4th tomorrow so I will check the mg. I definitely know that it's hydroxocobalamin though.

I'm taking one 5mg tablet daily of folate and have been prescribed a month's worth.

I understand this all makes me feel better but I want to know the root cause as to why I can't absorb. Can you ever absorb it after one stage that you can't? Is it common to not be low in both folate and B12?

Thank you Fredd. I will check this out.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks Sushi.

I'm not too sure about the B12 doses. I have my 4th tomorrow so I will check the mg. I definitely know that it's hydroxocobalamin though.

I'm taking one 5mg tablet daily of folate and have been prescribed a month's worth.

I understand this all makes me feel better but I want to know the root cause as to why I can't absorb. Can you ever absorb it after one stage that you can't? Is it common to not be low in both folate and B12?

Thank you Fredd. I will check this out.

What kind of folate--brand, etc?

And yes, these things can be corrected but not in a couple of weeks!

TIP: if you want someone to see your reply, either tag them (@Clairelousma ) or, when you reply, click on reply at the end of their post, as I did in this reply. When you do either of these they will get a notification that you have replied.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thanks Sushi.

I'm not too sure about the B12 doses. I have my 4th tomorrow so I will check the mg. I definitely know that it's hydroxocobalamin though.

I'm taking one 5mg tablet daily of folate and have been prescribed a month's worth.

I understand this all makes me feel better but I want to know the root cause as to why I can't absorb. Can you ever absorb it after one stage that you can't? Is it common to not be low in both folate and B12?

Thank you Fredd. I will check this out.

Hi Calirelousma,

MeCbl and AdoCbl is 100 to 10,000 times more effective. You will KNOW with the first dose of the good stuff that it is going to work unless deadlocked on LCF or Metafolin.