Can anyone make sense of this write up by the better health guy, he's quoting Neil Nathan regarding cell danger response.
If you aren't addressing a toxin or infection then how do you get out of the CDR? He also says ozone or hbot won't work earlier on either.
As he says here:
Can anyone make sense of this write up by the better health guy, he's quoting Neil Nathan regarding cell danger response.
If you aren't addressing a toxin or infection then how do you get out of the CDR? He also says ozone or hbot won't work earlier on either.
As he says here:
- Vitamin D, lysine, methylation support, P5P, treatment of metals, toxins, infections, and KPU could be helpful tools once out of the CDR or coupled with Suramin; cannot use these when in survival mode
- Tends to avoid mitochondrial supplements early in treatment
- IV NAD, peptides, ozone, stem cells, fecal transplants are all popular; doing them in early CDR will often backfire or do nothing
- HBOT and oxygen therapies are not logical tools early in the CDR; would work better at end of CDR
- When Suramin becomes available, it could be a game changer if used properly
- There is no test yet to know which stage of the CDR a patient is in
- When there is observed improvement and are 50% better, may then do a trial of CoQ10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose and observe the response; if no response or a negative response, may still be "stuck"
- For patients that tolerate glutathione, it can be very helpful; he has an equal or larger group of patients that feel horrible when they mobilize toxin faster than they can process it; double-edged sword
- Glutathione is the end product of methylation; sends the message that the body can stop methylating; use caution in sensitive patients