3 October 2011:
Manipulation alleged in paper linking virus, chronic fatigue syndrome
'The report
included a figure purporting to depict lab test results from seven blood samples, including two from chronic fatigue syndrome patients whose blood appears to show evidence of XMRV and five from healthy people whose blood does not.
But the leader of the team that authored the 2009 paper, researcher Judy Mikovits, apparently presented the same figure -- carrying different labels and supporting a different point -- in a talk given at a conference on Sept. 23 in Ottawa.
A copy of her PowerPoint presentation
circulating among an email group also reveals an apparent third version of the image,
with a third set of labels, when formatting is turned off.
"As is our policy in cases of alleged figure manipulation, we will follow up with the research authors as soon as our own review of the allegation is complete," the editors of Science wrote in a statement. "In particular, we will request additional information from the authors as one of the next steps."'
'Institute president Annette Whittemore said in a statement that the institute was also looking into the allegations.
It is our understanding that some patient ID numbers may have been changed to a new set of coded numbers during the research to protect their privacy before publication," Whittemore said. "
We will work with Science in hopes of addressing their concerns and to gain a full understanding of the cause of any potential discrepancies."'