Ah, you must be a rat then.![]()
That explains a lot, I must have been a lab rat at some time.
Ah, you must be a rat then.![]()
Would you think it could trigger a autoimmune condition?
How much should I reduce it to, do you think? If it's doing great things I don't want to stop it and allow possible pathogens any breathing room to regroup, but obviously I don't want to let things get out of control.
Do you think kombucha is okay? I crave it sometimes, but I thought all those different strains weren't good.
It does that to me as well. Its the same feeling l get from cilantro, mercury being chelated.
Or the Kombucha could be just plain toxic carrying mycotoxins or it also could have leached lead from it's stored containers/manufacturing process adding to your personal toxic load. http://www.livestrong.com/article/134737-dangers-kombucha/
My gf drank it once, and shortly after got a massive yeast infection, lesson learned, never drink again.
My nutrigenomcis doc was also really against the stuff and said it had super high levels of free form glutamates that can quickly lead to acute excitotoxicity.
I'll leave the medical questions to @Vegas but I wonder why people have this idea that lactic acid producing bacteria is better/safer than SBOs? Aren't lactic acid bacteria the kind that contribute to SIBO? And don't they tend to just get chewed up by stomach acids? And aren't they really difficult to change the numbers of via probiotics? I kind of feel like they are just old-school probiotics that don't do all that much (other than reduce acute diarrhea). Most people don't get enough SBOs — which are normally found in healthy guts — since most people live an overly hygienic lifestyle.
Interestingly, while cilantro is a metal chelator, and quite a few people experience what you did when taking it, corriander has other properties that may be responsible for this. It is loaded with volatile aromatic compounds. These can make me feel really bad, lots of brain fog, headaches. Are there other things that make you feel this way?
I came to this conclusion (duh) after 6000 doses of Lipoic Acid, yet the cilantro reaction persisted. Not nearly as bad, but it left me challenging the Hg mobilization explanation. Especially when this reaction paralleled the other category pf comp, which I believe is a pathway compromised in many with ME/CFS.
I'll leave the medical questions to @Vegas but I wonder why people have this idea that lactic acid producing bacteria is better/safer than SBOs? Aren't lactic acid bacteria the kind that contribute to SIBO? And don't they tend to just get chewed up by stomach acids? And aren't they really difficult to change the numbers of via probiotics? I kind of feel like they are just old-school probiotics that don't do all that much (other than reduce acute diarrhea). Most people don't get enough SBOs — which are normally found in healthy guts — since most people live an overly hygienic lifestyle.
I get the same reaction when I am herxing (Lyme). It is at the base of my skull extending out from it and is unmistakable and very unpleasant.
When my immune system started "awakening" I experienced lots of lymphatic activity at the base of the neck. Perhaps because of the rich blood supply in the head and the importance of maintaining a robust lymphatic system here, but I have observed that this is often the first to be engaged.
For me, another sign of a shift towards immunocompetency has been mouth sores. I think I've had about a dozen of these outbreaks in the last 4 years and this typically corresponds to energy increases and by extension shifts toward immune competency. This actually happened to me last week, for the first time since RS, but it was a fairly significant one, as I had a bunch of these sores inside the mouth develop. Some B2 and methyltetrahyrofolate resolves this pretty quickly. I think this has to do with the replication of DNA. Anyway these mouth sores have become very predictable. Do you ever get these?.
Maybe I can stop worrying that I don't usually wash my hands after gardening then!
BTW I did a quick search on Lactobacillus and SIBO and found this interesting paper.
You mean herpes or canker sores? I do get sores on the roof of my mouth (hard palate), I read they can only be herpes there.
i have started RS five days ago.4TBS a day with some bifido and lactocabillus probiotics.my gout is worse now.is ti because of candida die off and uric acid going in the blood?or it feeds candida?
No I do not get mouth sores at all.
Should be required reading.
I am referring to what is commonly called a "canker sore," These, at least those I experience, are not on the pallate, but primarily under the tongue, sublingual & gums.
Maybe I can stop worrying that I don't usually wash my hands after gardening then!
BTW I did a quick search on Lactobacillus and SIBO and found this interesting paper.
So SBO's can positively affect the nitrogen balance they also are extremely hearty, particularly in their ability to thrive in an alkaline environment, like in alkaline colon many here maintain. These, as I see it, are the real benefits of these organisms, in this condition. must get sleep.
I don't think he means that they want an alkaline colon, just that their colon is alkaline, Ripley, believe it or not.Sorry, but why would anyone want to maintain an alkaline colon? I assume you mean people are inadvertently maintaining their colon alkaline in an undesirable way — by not eating enough fermentable fibers. The more fermentation that happens (a good thing), the more acidic the colon becomes.
The paradox of eating more alkaline foods is that many alkaline foods get fermented into SCFAs, which makes the colon more acidic. And that's considered to be a good thing since an acidic gut makes the gut environment inhospitable to pathogens and switches pathogens into benign organisms.