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A brand-new research initiative from a coalition of some of the brightest young minds in ME/CFS research:
There will be a Question-and-Answer session next Monday, sponsored by #MEAction:
Why does Amy sound so angry?A video recording of the Question and Answer session is available:
ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD
That is incredible!Dr. Michael van Elzakker has been invited to advise on the Dutch government's use of $30,000,000 to be used for *biomedical* ME research in the Netherlands:
And for those wanting to learn more about Dr. Proal:
Solve M.E. Webinar: ME/CFS in the Era of the Human Microbiome
My understanding is that this $30,000,000.00 is over a 10-year period. Still cool as it means sustained funding for particular projects, but really equating to $3,000,000.00 per year.Dr. Michael van Elzakker has been invited to advise on the Dutch government's use of $30,000,000 to be used for *biomedical* ME research in the Netherlands:
Thanks. Dr VanElzaker says in this video that the root cause of what presents as ME/CFs is different in each person. He says, therefore, the root cause needs to be determined. He says, he recognises this is difficult. So, if he is correct: this means that the ME patient needs to have massive work ups to try and determine what is wrong and where. So many patients have had massive workups and nothing was found. I'm not sure what is to be next. Is it that at Mass. Hospital they have the means to do these massive investigations? He doesn't address 'recovered' patients after this massive exploration. He is a very presentable fellow and pleasant to listen to, but I'd like to know what the next step should be. Dr. Feldshtein (??? spelling) at the same hospital, who is a lovely sympathetic doctor, whom I have seen interviewed, tries to help patients. However, the arsenal used is basically what we all know already. And this arsenal has not produced recovery really. I'm not sure what to make of all of this at this point. All comments and corrections welcome. Thanks.And for those interested in learning more:
ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD
Dr VanElzaker says in this video that the root cause of what presents as ME/CFs is different in each person. He says, therefore, the root cause needs to be determined.
Michael VanElzakker, Phd, is a neuroscientist affiliated at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Tufts University. He conducts his imaging research at the Martinos Center for Biomedical imaging. We discuss how he uses fMRI and PET imaging to study neuroinflammation in patients with chronic disease, including the condition Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
ME/CFS researcher Mady Hornig has a video out explaining what she thinks is the cause of ME/CFS and how it causes mito. dysfunction, neuroinflammation, immune system dysfunction and all other symptoms.
She thinks it's gut dysbiosis and leaky gut.
I wonder how many publications on gut issues will transpire? 1990s era- same story being discussed (get yourself a hookworm, fix this gut problem).
How many studies will occur before somebody actual does something.