YUP - Bring on the Kool-Aid!
Geez, given the blazing speed of posts today, this one will be seriously obsolete to this thread by the time I finish it!
@ Levi, you're right that @ first glance the media feeding frenzy looks worrisome. This is their bread and butter - digging for controversy, stirring the pot. And as several have rightly pointed out, Wesseley has enjoyed a long and incestuous relationship with the UK media.
Now you have all the mainstream UK media drinking the Wessely cool-aid. Are you still sure this is brilliant Parvo? In typical fashion, the CFS community is gleefully jumping and down, arm pumping in triumph, while they are having thier feet swept out from under them by militant somatizers.
I liked your vivid analogy!

But Koan's absolutely right in saying that I'm in it for the long haul. Call me bullheaded :Retro redface:- I don't feel for a moment that the ME/CFS community is having our feet swept out from under us. I remain ENORMOUSLY optimistic in not just the robust science around XMRV and ME/CFS so far (at least from WPI/Cleveland/NCI, AND that pending from Jerry Holmberg
et al), but also the mountain of research on other opportunistic viruses and ME/CFS: Epstein-Barr, Human Herpes-6, CMV, Parvovirus B19. It's not just WPI, the Dr Silvermans, the Lombardi's, and of course Dr Mikovits' of this world that have me optimistic. But also the Nancy Klimases, Jose Montoya's, the gene expression and cytokine work by Kerr et al. The German viral cardiologists. The rigor and power of science is massively tipping the scales in recognition of profound organic and indeed viral involvement in ME/CFS - a devastating biologically-based condition that has been "treated" with scandalous tokenism. And in the process, taxpayers have been seriously fecked over. XMRV is just the gravy, but the meat and potatoes research on viral involvement was already compelling - and growing.
That Wesseley and co. are positioning themselves front and centre in a media storm at this time - and with continuingly shoddy science - IS brilliant! It's making our case for genuine Dx/Rx of ME/CFS all the more mediagenic. The media loves controversy, David/Goliath turnarounds, and Schadenfreude. Today's "research" paper, and the claptrap surrounding it, is shining a necessary spotlight on the "Before" situation in an imminent Extreme Makeover.
As Nikita Krushchev of shoe-pounding fame famously noted in the UN in 1960,
Whether you like it or not. history (or for us, science) is on our side. We will bury you!"
That's how I feel about science vs the psycholobby. It's just a matter of time... and that's my nerdy brain speaking, based on all the hot research I've read - not my passionate emotive side.
We NEED folks like Wesseley and Reeves to go on record with the kind of scientifically flimsy statements and spurious research that we know them for. The public won't go to PubMed necessarily to dig up Wesseley/Reeves papers, which as we know have scores of scientific, methodological, and conceptual inconsistencies. But they do listen to the BBC, and Wesseley and team are beautifully showcasing what our community has been up against - and what their taxpayers' dollars have been payinig for. The more visible, loud, ludicrous and outrageous the claims of the psycholobby, the better. Mark my words, media organizations such as the BBC who (at the end of the day DO care about their scientific credibility) will drop the Wesseley's of this world in a heartbeat when the balance of evidence convinces them to do so. It's just a matter of time - we have science on our side, and thank heavens, the viral power of the internet.
So yes, I STILL think that Wesseley's bold statements are brilliant - for us! The media includes some hot investigative reporters, chomping at the bit for the kind of scientific/social/financial/scandal/tragedy embodied in ME/CFS history. And of course they also have their fair share of knuckle-dragging kool-aid drinkers, as we've witnessed today. But it doesn't take a scientist or medicolegal expert to recognize the hole Wesseley is so very publicly digging for himself. This IS brilliant!
Perhaps what is most precious in his 2010 article is the following:
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
In the age of the internet, you can only go so long without being ridiculed - or shunned by major media - if your science is shoddy and/or if you are financially benefiting from withholding biologically-based diagnostics/treatment from legions of patients with serious organic illness. This is the frog in the pot - and the water is seriously heating up.
Wesseley et al's brazenly flimsy science and buffonery in the media will only help us to illuminate the incompetency and conflict of interest that has railroaded biomedical care for legions of patients losing their lives to ME/CFS. So give it time.
As @Shannah's posting of the Invest in ME statement noted,
People with ME and their families should expect these "false" results to be publicised early, especially as ME has been ignored by the government and research organisations for generations. However, the new XMRV research has changed the landscape for good and patients and carers can look forward to a new era of ME/CFS research based on the biomedical basis for the illness.
Proper science is now finally being performed.
Those who have delayed or stopped high quality biomedical research into ME from being performed in the past, and those who continue to downplay the significance of the new research from WPI, will not be in a position to continue this denial for much longer.
Bring on the Kool-aid! :Retro smile: