Some other possibly relevant pieces of information
Sorry to add a long post to what is a very long thread, but I share several people's concerns about who did the review on this article. I did just a quick read of pLoS One's review policies, and it looks like the author may be able to choose his own editor--"Authors can recommend specific Academic Editors". Also, "Around 10%* of articles are peer reviewed by the Academic Editors themselves " It may not be possible, but it would be interesting to find out who, if anyone, beside Dr. Nixon (unfortunate name ...) reviewed the data.
Here's the link:
It's odd they chose PLoS One to publish this, rather than PLoS Medicine or PLoS Biology, unless they didn't want it to be read by someone who actually knows something about the field

. Makes you think they might have kind of liked the editorial policies. And this post by Tom Kindlon on Co-Cure a few days ago may shed some light on why they may have chosen an editor who works at UCSF:
It looks like Kings Health Partners want to influence medicine outside
their catchment area (see appendix 1).
People may recall that Kings College is where Simon Wessely and Trudie
Chalder amongst others have been based and Prof. Matthew Hotopf has
followed in their views.
Kings Health Partners recently announced:
Strategic Partnership with UCSF
November 12th, 2009 Kings Health Partners has agreed to a pursue a
strategic partnership with the University of California, San Francisco
(UCSF) to explore opportunities for scholarly interaction, cooperative
research, faculty and student exchange and other forms of academic
(more at:
So some people might be interested in:
Innovation Expo 2009
18 - 19 June 2009
Kings Health Partners presented a seminar at the Innovation Expo on 18 -19
June 2009 at the Excel Centre, London Docklands, which saw over 5,000
visitors over the two day event.
Our seminar was led with presentations examining three aspects of Academic
Health Science Centres from;
Professor Matthew Hotopf, Head of General Hospital Psychiatry,
Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
The whole person: mental and physical health
Slides are at:
CFS is first mentioned on page 28.
Then the CBT School/Wessely school model is presented in slides pages
Tom Kindlon