If I and others in the UK have tested positive for XMRV, then the Imperial College (IC) study is proven not only scientifically invalid (through it's methods of incorrect cohort selection and a PCR test that cannot detect XMRV) but also irrelevant. Why is the IC study irrelevant? Because if UK patients exist (not in theory but in reality) who are infected with XMRV, and this XMRV was through a cell culture test from VIPdx - then XMRV exists in the UK. If XMRV exists in the UK, then the results of the IC study don't matter at all. Hence it's irrelevant. The IC could produce a study every day saying XMRV doesn't exist in CFS until the end of time, yet patients like me are proof the results are false, and false every time if you select the correct patients and use a test that works.
The media don't know this fact about UK XMRV patients being positive. No one has been contacted by any UK ME charity regarding XMRV and no ME patient with XMRV is bold enough to go on TV - as they value their life. We aren't stupid. We know it's the state vs us. When 10,000 people get tested - then we'll come out. Safety in numbers. XMRV will cost the UK economy billions, it already cost the UK tax payer tens of millions per year and it's still hidden and doesn't exist. Think of the costs. Who's going to pay for it? Better to silence the patients. First step, make sure you don't repeat the WPI study's findings. Second, make sure the ME Association has a very cautious tale on the whole affair and the other charities, say nothing - but make sure you DO publish the failed UK XMRV study by the IC. This is EXACTLY what has happened and is ENTIRELY predictable.
This will prevent (temporarily) the tidal wave of patients demanding the test on the NHS (UK social health system provided by the Department of Health). Tests cost money, and tests VALIDATE you as someone with a neuro immune disease, not hysteria. CFS is seen as hysteria by the majority of UK doctors. If we are continued to be see as hysterics, then this is a lot cheaper and no fingers get pointed as to who stuck a mouse's DNA in the human blood supply.
Professor Simon Wessely and friends may believe ME (CFS) is 'Neurosis with a new banner', yet this is not the case by official classification. CFS in the UK may include mentally ill people (OXFORD '91 Criteria), but that is just here. CFS outside the UK is not classified as a mental disorder. End of. Thus any 'theory' on mental processing being used to explain CFS symptoms - is void. Just as if I had a theory on mental processing causing MS.
It's like in the days when HIV was called 'Gay Flu'. When evidence of HIV existed in non gays, then it was clear that HIV was not a 'gay' disease. ME was referred to as 'Yuppie Flu'. When evidence of ME existed in working class children, then it was clear that ME was not a 'Yuppie' disease. Both HIV and ME have one critical common point here: An infectious retrovirus. Viruses don't chose: class, culture, background, wealth or belief system. Viruses infect people, period. So now we know we're infected if we have ME (or meet the Canadian Criteria for CFS), what's gonna happen? Do we continue the myth of 'debating' XMRV exists in the UK, or do we move on?
Everyone is free to continue the debate of the IC study and it's legitimacy for another 126 pages if they like, but it's illogical. Why? The IC study claimed there was no XMRV in the UK in CFS.. My diagnosis is ME, which the UK call CFS. Also Dysautonomia (POTS) and I'm XMRV+ . Game over for the debate then over if CFS patients have neuro immune disease, proof exists. The UK or any other country does not require a group of denialists to admit they were blinkered. They cannot admit it, their whole life's academic work has been based on stating ME and CFS is due to 'faulty illness beliefs'. Best way to continue that, is to find no XMRV. Which happened not by chance. Of all the doctors in the entire UK, if doing a study on XMRV would you
chose someone who is a military Psychiatrist (known around the world) to state ME and CFS does not exist as an organic disease process? Of course not. The IC study HAD to chose this person, in order for it to fail. This person hand picked the patients used in the study. That is corruption par excellance.
Denying proof of XMRV in the UK IC study, is not the existence of proof of XMRV in UK patients, it's just denial. Denial when facts exist is unscientific, immoral and wrong. It's only continued by those who gain from the 'debate'. We all know who stands to gain, and why. What a coincidence the comments on the PLoS one web site have been accidentally on purpose, deleted. Comments that gave further insight into the IC study and it's flawed methods. None of this matters. A lot of the time people (including me) are stuck in the trenches firing the 'proof' gun in desperation to be verified as genuine, to be believed, to not be mocked to be accepted because we are desperately sick with no medical help.
Well the war is over, and it was a political war. No one 'won'. The truth fell out of someone's pocket onto the battlefield, that was all. A private American family funded research and scientists found the letter with the explanation. Not government scientists though. They were too busy in America on their '5 Year' CDC study and the UK was completing curing people over the telephone via 'Nurse led' therapy. How does XMRV make them look? Idiotic at best, and corrupt at worst. Hence they are terrified of people finding out they are infected. Well I found out. I didn't need to debate it or ask for approval first. (I jumped the queue with the kind help of a fellow sufferer). You can too. You don't need to 'wait'. You cannot have a false positive XMRV culture test.
Why do you think people say wait? Think about it. You're left in the lurch, you're not aware WHY you are sick. And thus you cuddle and stroke the label CFS, that still bites you, despite how much care and attention you give it. If 0.1% of people with CFS have XMRV, who cares? I don't. Do you care if the guy down the road has a disease or not, or if he is 'legitimate' or not? Of course not. You and I, we're stuck in a neurological networking mode of operation. We operate as a 'group'. I wonder if she has, I wonder if he has.
We got like this out of being left to rot by health agencies. We needed advise of other people, as no one gave us any. We waited for tiny updates on 'charities' for ME and CFS to 'steer' us the correct way. Do you still need this advice? Are you not capable of knowing, deep down if you have blatantly obvious signs/symptoms of neuro immune disease? And thus, no one needs to 'wait' another 1 year, or 2 years if you are very sick and get no medications, no social welfare payments, and no respect.
XMRV awards you instant respect. Respect you always deserved but never got. People who never talk to you as 'they had a cousin like you too' (who of course is 'cured) now talk to you. By signing up to 'team CFS' because you never had anything else, you maintain yourself at the bottom of the little league. The thing is, you never wanted to be in a league, you're sick and you just wanted to know what on earth was going wrong with you - now you can have a go at finding out. Leave the team and start a new life outside of a group of people who appear to be like you, who are like you, who are not like you. Find yourself. Remember you are Tony or Jill and you're just infected that is it. You aren't a PWC. That brand got you nowhere.
XMRV is in the UK and it's real and it's infectious and you can get a blood test done NOW in the USA from VIPdx. An XMRV culture test, gold standard, un-arguable proof. That's all you need. A little piece of paper. Not a fully referenced Harvard argument - like I used to produce days ago for the last 18+ years. My way to academically compete with the denialists. That's all over.
How can your disease not be XMRV if severely disabled by 'unexpalained' neuro immune disease? How can you have the disability of someone with COPD/MS or heart failure whilst testing negative for everything - yet you get out paced by a 95yr old and you're 30. How can you have a 'normal' blood work up at the doctor's but you are too short of breath to walk up the staircase, never mind walk to the mailbox? XMRV is why. Chronic viral infection is why. Blown ATP/Mitochondrial function is why. No blood in your brain, is why. Broken brain networks that cause Dysautonomia is why. Who else has a life like this, like you? No one. How strange. Not strange if you have an infection that pole-axes you.
A blood test (culture) is all you need. I'd get one if I was very sick, so I did just that and it's positive. And that my friends, is the Wessely Schools ultimate nightmare. So go ahead and create it for them, by getting tested in the next 6 months, not 2 years. You'll go from a pariah of society, a disbelieved 'joke' who needs CBT and Graded Exercise to someone seriously sick - that you were anyway. You just never had any proof. Now proof is available from the USA. Don't forget that. Haul yourself out of your trench and lay on your back, and take a deep breath. The realisation you've all been 'had' by a political conspiracy for the last two decades is not a nice one, but it's one that needs to be realised if you suffer from neuro immune disease that is 'unexplained'. WPI just gave us a translation manual - and now all is clear.
Lastly, remember also to toss aside the 'group' mentality of proof. You don't need your neighbour to drive a red car, to make your red car - real. Similarly, you don't need anyone else in the entire world to test positive for XMRV if they have the label CFS, bongowongoland, or ME. What matters, is that YOU have it. Not 67% of people or 0.0000000% of people , but you.. So when studies like the IC, or anyone else cannot 'find' XMRV (as will happen), then ignore it. This life is about you, no one else.