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The best all in one supplement for Methylation support?


Senior Member
I realize a one size fits all approach doesn't work because everyone is different. However, if we are targeting a specific SNP or combination of SNP's, I don't see why it can't be utilized.

I had an appointment with Dr. Rind yesterday, and his protocol for MTHFR (I'm compound heterozygous), is Methylguard Plus. I looked at the ingredients and it looks quite good. It seems like a high dose if you've never titrated up before, and it lacks Freddd's LCF, and ADB12, but it seems to have everything else and more.




But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
You're supposed to let the MB12 and HB12 absorb sublingually over the course of 1-2 hours. Also, this is expensive. $43/month? Much cheaper to buy stuff separately for me.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I started with HB12 because my NP suggested that. I have just switch over to Dibencozide. I put both under my upper lip around 6 a.m. and don't get up to eat until 8 a.m. I also think they should be on an empty stomach.

There are different comments here from people who can't tolerate the HB or the ADB12. I am not noticing any difference since starting methylation.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
That supplement contains pretty close to what I'm taking...I'm impressed.

There are so many SNPs that occur in specific combinations, that there won't be a large market if you consider too many of them at one time. The trouble with any one combo product is that if you react badly, you have to wonder what you reacted to. Or if you see no effect, what could be missing?

This looks like a good product, but there will be too much B2 for many people, and maybe not enough B12. I happen to need that much B2. Whether it's cost effective, that's another thing.