Table 2 lists the characteristics of studies assessing the prevalence of BPD in patients with CFS. Five studies were identified. All of the studies used the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for CFS and relied on self-report questionnaires such as the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire–Revised or 4th edition (PDQ-R, PDQ-IV) or the Assessment of DSM-IV Personality Disorders Questionnaire (ADP-IV) for diagnosis of personality disorders.
The 1996 study by Johnson
et al investigated the relative rates of personality disorders in patients with CFS, compared with patients with multiple sclerosis, control patients with depression and healthy controls.
24 The prevalence of BPD was found to be 17% in those with CFS, 25% in patients with multiple sclerosis, 29% in control patients with depression and 0% in healthy controls.
The 2009 study by Courjaret
et al assessed the prevalence of personality disorders in a sample of female CFS patients compared with two control groups (psychiatric and general population controls).
25 The study found that the prevalence of BPD was 2, 42 and 6% in the CFS, psychiatric and general population groups, respectively.
The 2010 population-based study by Nater
et al compared the prevalence of personality disorders and traits of survey respondents meeting criteria for CFS versus respondents with ‘insufficient fatigue’ and ‘well’ respondents. The authors found that the prevalence of BPD was 1.8% among those with CFS, 0.4% among those with fatigue who did not meet criteria for CFS and 0% among those identified as well.
The Kempke
et al study published in 2012 assessed the prevalence of DSM-IV personality disorders among female patients with CFS, compared with ‘normal community individuals’ and ‘psychiatric patient’ controls.
27 The prevalence of BPD was found to be 6.5% in patients with CFS, 6.5% in the community control group and 39.1% in the psychiatric patient control group.
The 2015 study by Carvo
et al assessed the prevalence of personality disorders among patients with CFS and found that 3.03% of the participants had a comorbid BPD diagnosis.