findings could reflect TBI actually, but they aren't going to ever see that if they don't look at the bigger picture, it may also fall in with SEVERE CNS FM. some of us likely do have TBI/PTSD as reconized in GWI , goes beyond brain fog, when I got sick it totally changed me much like TBI, I was diagnosed with PTSD. some that don't have severe sunis/brain involvement might not see how effects to the amygdala could affect personality/mood, but with this going on and with re-exposure to some of my triggers my mood can change immeditly, to crying, anger,and some times laughing and theres no controlling it, it's a brain affect. the same old phyci bs questioniares are not ment to be used on people with actual brain injury so this is the kind of stuff you will see, ADD,ADHD,ECT. chemical exposures can affect peoples moods. this is the reason physco mumble jumble is BS , because they want to blame mood disorders on the person and treat them with their toxic drugs, they know it's BS. most people will have some depression like over loss of family member, ect. but with time they will be ok, it's not clinical depression. severely abused people and the stress involved with that can no doubt affect the parasympathic system, both physo and physicialogical stresser's affect this this pathway, so there in is why , problem is psychiatric evaluations don't consider environmental exposures in their work. so for all these years people suffering from environmental exposure have been labled as crazy and in severe cases a diagnoses of PTSD , if you have followed GWI RESEARCH it has resently been found that many with a PTSD diagnoses have been now found to have TBI hence the TBI/PTSD NEW TERM. these will likely be people that have had fairly severe involvement in inhalation exposures to chemical/toxins that have caused damage by way of sinuses, olfactory amygdala, on to limbic system witch is separate from people here that are not here from environmental exposures and this involvement.