People who consider themselves perfectionists say so, while those who don't tend not to comment. I do think the idea that lots or all pwme are perfectionists has been overstated.
It's not always the case that pwme push themselves in the early stage of illness because of perfectionism or being 'driven' (when its unlikely they even know what illness they have).... It is the case that most people's lives do not allow for rest in the early stages of undiagnosed illness. What does one do? Abandon children, drop out of your career, stay off work which requires enough sick notes, drop out of university, stay off your cleaning job as too exhausting?
What on earth do people do, with GPs trotting out lazy diagnoses of stress, and pointing out that you are not stressed goes unheared, the boss breathing down your neck, uni tutors issuing warnings and deadlines you are too ill to meet.
If we all knew we had ME in the first weeks, and knew about pem, and rested from the beginning, we would still be at risk of losing our jobs, homes, education courses,
An early diagnostic test would be pure gold.