Here's a hint: they don't have ME. Perhaps you need to change your name to "Action for Chronic Fatigue", if you want to appeal to a broader base, and include those who feel a little better after taking a walk. But by advocating those therapies, you are contributing to ME patients being harmed. You are doing a horrible disservice to the very patients you purport to represent.As surveys by charities including Action for M.E. and the ME Association acknowledge, CBT, GET and GAT have benefit for some people with M.E. while others experience negative effects as a result. Further investigation is needed to find why it may benefit some people and not others.
They (and you) are asking entirely the wrong question, and indicating your complete lack of comprehension of the real problem in the process. No one with ME actually cares that severe ME patients don't have access to GET and CBT - if anything there's a sense of relief that at least some patients aren't being hunted down so they can get abused in their own homes. Before worrying about severe ME patients not having access to treatments, you need to help make useful and non-harmful treatments available to ME patients.Clare McDermott and George Lewith will attend the Symposium to present their recent findings on the lack of NHS service provision for those most severely affected by M.E.
Then what is your justification for supporting the use of GET and CBT as primary "treatments" for ME patients? Are you really not aware that the form of CBT used in PACE and many (most?) clinics across the UK is based on teaching the patient to stop seeing themselves as ill? Are you also unaware that GET is based on the premise that we supposedly have a psychological fear of exercise? That GET was first incorporated into CBT with the caveat that the physiological aspects are too insignificant to have any physical impact, but rather it is intended to get us to believe that we aren't really reacting poorly to exertion?We do NOT support the misrepresentation of people with M.E. as mentally ill.
Have you thoroughly read any research at all regarding ME?