I'm breaking this into two posts so it is not too long!
@Gingergrrl There is definitely some good evidence to believe that almost all autoimmune diseases have their root in viral infections. Hashimoto's for example has been shown closely linked to EBV infection of thyroid gland.
Thanks for confirming that
@Iritu1021 and my doctor feels the same as you re: viral infections triggering autoimmunity. I had heard of Hashimoto's being triggered by HHV-6 but was not sure if it could also be triggered by EBV. My Endo who treats my thyroid said there is no way to know for sure which virus triggered my Hashimoto's.
On other hand POTS is a chronic sympathetic overstimulation which is also known to lead to autoimmunity.
So, POTS alone can trigger autoimmunity? My POTS was virally triggered but then shifted and my main doctor said that I have "Autoimmune POTS".
But how would EBV virus specifically cause antibody to calcium channel is not clear. Is it for a fact a blocking antibody or do they not know it's function? Perhaps it was an attempt on the part of the body to lower calcium entry to prevent the virus from replicating. Or if it's an agonistic antibody, then the virus DNA might have hijacked your cellular machinery to better serve its needs.
I was not sure if EBV itself could cause an autoantibody against the calcium channel? I know that EBV links to MS and several cancers, and the calcium channel autoantibody links to LEMS and also to several cancers (with the main one being small cell lung cancer). But I was not sure if EBV linked to the CA+ Channel autoantibody itself.
Three Neuro's (one at Stanford who first found I had this autoantibody) told me that they block the calcium channel and not to take meds that were calcium channel blockers. I accepted it at face value and have not researched how or why it blocks the CA+ Channel (vs. acting as an agonist/opening the CA+ Channel).
So you are saying that if it acts as an antagonist (as I was told by Neuros) it could be an attempt to lower calcium entry into the cell to prevent the EBV virus from replicating? I think I never heard before that EBV virus needs calcium to replicate. Can you confirm that I am understanding this correctly?
@Gingergrrl I updated my reply with some more thoughts. Do they know for a fact that the antibody you have blocks calcium entry? By the way, I had super high antibodies to EBV too.
I saw it and bookmarked that post. Thank you again. Interesting that you had super high EBV antibodies, too. Mine were off the charts high for 3-4 yrs post Mono.
I had EBV occur two times in a row about 2 years ago. Never recall having it reactivate like that before. So I wonder if that's what's causing the thyroiditis that is causing the heterogenous echotexture. EBV could trigger autoimmunity in the form of those calcium receptor antibodies?
Does heterogeneous echotexture mean that the outer layer of the thyroid appears rough and fibrous on ultrasound (like mine does)? Your last sentence (which I bolded) has a question mark at the end so I was not sure if you were making a statement that EBV
can trigger autoimmunity in the form of CA+ receptor autoantibodies or if you were also asking the same question as me?!
I had EBV infection occur twice within about 6 months of eachother, 2 years ago. My antibodies are never high enough to be considered hashitmotos, but my ultrasound shows a heterogenous echotexture which could be suggestive of some sort of thyroiditis. So maybe I'm hashimoto's, seronegative.
I did not realize that someone could be seronegative Hashimoto's. Is your TSH level hypothyroid without thyroid med?