Switzer - Publishes new XMRV varieties, and challenges Coffin's recombination theory

Beautiful you can tie it right down to the exact gene RedRuth. Be kind of good to test children for that gene first before mandating the whole world get vaccinated, don't you think?

Don't forget to mention Dr. Julie Gerberding (who mentioned vaccines cause autism to Sajay Gupta) and who was head of the CDC, and now is president of the Merck vaccine department.


Senior Member
Autism did not exist until the 1940s. The doctors at the time were capable diagnosticians and recognised it as a new disease.

And yet there were more childhood fevers around then than nowadays.

Now autism is common. Why?

Myriad neurotoxic and endocrine-disrupting chemicals and other agents in our environment, including those transmitted epigenetically.
Toxic overload from all directions!


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
I'd have to disagree with that. Alot of money has been wasted on studies involving hundreds of thousands of children to show that there's no link between vaccines and autism
Indeed: what a waste of money. But clearly somebody thought it was well spent. I checked out those huge studies and yes, it was quickly clear that a huge amount of money had been spent to show that there's no link between vaccines and autism.

Or rather...the studies showed that the vaccines studied, in the areas studied, at the time periods studied, were not associated with increased rates of autism. What was most interesting to me was that these studies disproved a different hypothesis to the one that had been advanced by the original researchers, and that they did not disprove the scenario suggested by the original research. And although they did not "show that there's no link between vaccines and autism", this conclusion was reached, in defiance of logic.

all started by a discredited piece of research.
The operation to discredit the research and the researchers is ongoing, I believe. But the journalist leading the charge turns out to have a pre-existing conflict of interest in his funding, which he tried to conceal. It's interesting that this did not 'discredit' him...

The money could have been spent better on finding the real cause of autism and possible treatments.


Senior Member
The parents of the autistic children spoke in Dr. Wakefield's favour and stated that he was an excellent doctor who had treated their children well and responsibly. They had no criticisms of him.
He was struck off, nevertheless.....!

Their letter can be heard ( a parent reads it) on youtube.