This is a possibility though it seems far fetched. I'm no epidemiologist but is there any link between vaccination and ME?
I would say there is quite a lot of very circumstantial evidence to be found pointing in this direction when you look into the history, politics, pathophysiology and epidemiology from a generalist perspective. Pointers that I can think of...and yes I realise these are very circumstantial...the point is that this overall picture seems (to me) consistent, in the round, and explains many mysteries...
- Perhaps the most suspicious evidence: Best known/seminal outbreaks: 1934 Los Angeles, 1955 Royal Free Hospital, almost exclusively affecting health workers and not patients (were those health workers heavily or experimentally vaccinated???). Experimental polio vaccines were being trialled in those areas at those times. The disease profiles in those outbreaks were initially characterised as somewhat atypical forms of polio.
- I've come across several anecdotal patient accounts of their illness being provoked or seriously worsened soon after vaccination, though I certainly don't think there's any good evidence either way on this subject - a detailed survey would be very interesting.
- Parallels/connections with autism: Some commentators go so far as to claim - on the basis of pathophysiology (eg immune/IBS/cognitive impairment aspects) - that autism and ME are fundamentally the same condition, with autism striking the same neurological aspects at a different stage of development; and there are many accounts of parents with ME who have children with autism. Suspicion of autism/vaccination connection remains despite the alleged disproof of this theory; considerable overlap between the political opponents of these theories.
- Recent Scandinavian 'narcolepsy' outbreak following H1N1 vaccination: children in at least 10 countries developed a novel neurological disease following H1N1 vaccination, which appears to only affect specific genetic groups; big pharma is now 'investigating' with big studies in the areas that
weren't affected...this incident demonstrates that rare and new neurological conditions can be induced by vaccination, in localised outbreaks - possibly due to MLV-like contamination?
- Nature of ME/CFS: Impaired neurological and immune function; often relapsing/remitting but I have never encountered a credible account of a complete cure, the condition is considered by most of those who have 'recovered' somewhat to be lifelong - as a risk of relapse, at least - all of which seems consistent with a persistent low-level retroviral infection (especially the peculiar immune impairment).
I realise that's all pretty sketchy, but in all of these areas, sadly it's the only evidence we have got - none of these questions have ever been properly investigated. To me, the contaminated vaccine theory, combined with the recent discoveries around MLV creation/contamination, and XMRV, presents a very credible narrative with the ability to answer a wide range of mysterious questions which are otherwise very hard to explain. The whole thing is a very complex picture, but the more you look into the details, the more the dots seem to join up and it makes sense. Doesn't mean it's right of course...but I find it quite compelling...I'm really not wedded to vaccine mediated infection as a theory, but it seems like one of the strongest hypotheses going...