Here's the letter I'm finally going to circulate. I figure I won't feel so bad doing it for May 12. I had the photo pasted in from under Center for Molecular Medicine :
May 12 is CFS Awareness Day. Please circulate for someone you know.
A new retrovirus XMRV is discovered in CFS by the Whittemore Peterson Institute, published in research journal Science in October 2009.
Do you know someone with CFS, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Atypical MS, Fibromyalgia and Gulf War Syndrome? Please give to the Whittemore Peterson Institute to pursue this research.
We need help now. Please donate a dollar or more for anyone you know and pass this on. Donate button
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Whittemore Peterson Institute
The spectrum of neuro-immune diseases including: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Atypical MS, Fibromyalgia and Gulf War Syndrome, share common abnormalities in the innate immune response, which result in chronic immune activation and immune deficiency.
We have detected the retroviral infection XMRV is greater than 95% of the more than 200 ME/CFS, Fibromylagia, Atypical MS patients tested. The current working hypothesis is that XMRV infection of B, T, NK and other cells of the innate immune response causes the chronic inflammation and immune deficiency resulting in an inability to mount an effective immune response to opportunistic infections. (See XMRV paper in Science.)
This discovery opens an entire new avenue of Neuro-Immune Disease related research and our discovery has brought to this field world-renown immunologists and retrovirologists building our team of collaborators to translate our discoveries into new treatments as soon as possible.
Because retroviruses are known to cause inflammatory diseases, neurological disease immune deficiency and cancer the discovery of XMRV has far reaching implications for the prevention and treatment of not only lymphoma, one of the potentially devastating complications of ME/CFS but prostate cancer and perhaps many others.
Clinical Trials to start in fall 2010
New treatment strategies for immune modulation and antiviral strategies have been successfully developed for chronic inflammatory disease over the last decade. Each of these drugs has had to undergo extensive investigation before obtaining approval for general use.
January 31, 2010: Dr. Mikovits XMRV Seminar and Q&A by ProHealth and HHV-6 Foundation now available as video.
Center for Molecular Medicine
The University of Nevada School of Medicine, Center for Molecular Medicine, now under construction, is the future home of the Whittemore Peterson Institute. This state-of-the-art facility on the northern edge of the Reno campus is scheduled to open in 2010. In addition to the Institute the 100,000 square foot Center will house portions of several university departments and include research laboratories, clinical space, and a vivarium.
Published materials circulated by patients.