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Supplementing B3 (not for over-methylation).


Senior Member
Does supplementing B3 reverse progress from methylation? I'm going low and slow, so not having any overmethylation difficulties. I'm concerned that I've been supping all the Bs apart from 3, but equally concerned that it will upset my progress.


Senior Member
Pretty advanced question.

Are you over-methylated, w/ a high SAM/SAH ratio?

Or are you more worried about something specific like homocysteine or something like that, that's high already and you don't want it to get higher?

Which B3 supplement are you looking into?

I'm glad you brought this up, because I'm looking into maybe starting nicotinamide riboside.


Senior Member
Are you over-methylated, w/ a high SAM/SAH ratio?

Nope, not overmethylated. As for any clinical markers, I have none. Currently on a waiting list to see a doctor. Our healthcare system is f***ed at the minute!

Or are you more worried about something specific like homocysteine or something like that, that's high already and you don't want it to get higher?

I'm just worried about the relationship between B3 and methylation. Surely if B3 mops up methyl groups, then the reverse is also true? More methyl groups will mean B3 depletion unless I'm getting an adequate supply. The question is, how much is an adequate supply as opposed to too much for the objective of increasing methylation.

Which B3 supplement are you looking into?

Just standard niacinamide. No designer vitamers or anything, I'm already out a fortune :)


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Nope, not overmethylated. As for any clinical markers, I have none. Currently on a waiting list to see a doctor. Our healthcare system is f***ed at the minute!

I'm just worried about the relationship between B3 and methylation. Surely if B3 mops up methyl groups, then the reverse is also true? More methyl groups will mean B3 depletion unless I'm getting an adequate supply. The question is, how much is an adequate supply as opposed to too much for the objective of increasing methylation.

I'm glad you brought this up, because I'm looking into maybe starting nicotinamide riboside.
It will and must be taken into account. NAD+ or NMN are more effective than NR.
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Senior Member
Well, I look forward to the pellagra then. Although maybe small amounts won't hurt...