What about burning? You said you had burning, where is that.
Unfortunately the panic attacks might get you little investigation for everything, as really sad as that is. Emphasizing everything else, and de emphasizing panic attacks, is a strategy to make sure you get serious medical attention. If you're not getting panic attacks, don't mention it at all, is my advise. What about... Cognitive abilities. Can you look at a list of cognitive abilities and see if any of them are happening? I think downplaying emotional distress, even though it's a big part of your adverse event, would be the smart thing because they anything about mood, it's likely to be brushed off. It might be understood as part of the neurological event, but likely not. It depends how your country practices medicine. Where are you?
I looked back at your first post on your symptoms. In writing and when you speak to them at the hospital and with all your doctors, I suggest
Emphasizing trouble swallowing and digesting, sweating all the time, hands sweating, nerve twitching (what happens exactly), the sensation going up to your head (try to think of more descriptive words with that to add), heat (same with being descriptive), shivering, sound sensitivity, light sensitivity, only being able to eat liquids and small amounts, extreme weakness to the point of not being able to do such and such
And not mentioning the word panic attack at all or mood issues. (But do whatever you feel is best)
Using neurological terms about your sensations and experiences. (even though mood is neurological it's deemed as "psychological" at least in the US). Can you think of any other neurological symptoms you're experiencing? Does your brain feel swollen? If so, I would say that in words and writing. Saying nervous system heightening, though, is a code for anxiety and could get you dismissed.
Use weakness instead of fatigue. I wouldn't mention the word fatigue. Maybe sleepiness. And emphasizing how your muscles are, how your strength is. Your function, like how much it's limiting you.
Any lung symptoms? Tingling, numbness?
I hope this helps. Try to include all those symptoms in a written list to bring.