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NIR photons are scattered several inches into the body even through the skull due to the low optical absorption and the anisotropic nature of the scatter in the human body in this wavelength range. This leads to 100% of the cells of the fetus and young children being exposed to larger amounts of NIR photons as compared to approximately 60% of the cells in adults as illustrated in Figure 4.
Researchers tested red light at 670nm, 728nm, 770nm, 830nm, and 880nm. The most effective wavelengths were shown to be 670nm and 830nm, while the least effective was shown to be 728nm.
, because near infrared light only penetrates around 0.5 to 1 cm into the body tissues,
However, I am not sure whether Prof Seheult's idea that near infrared is that missing health factor for viral infections pans out, because near infrared light only penetrates around 0.5 to 1 cm into the body tissues, see the graph below (near infrared wavelengths are about 700 nm and above).
from sunlight will only appear in tissues that are not far from the skin surface.
But organs such as intestines (where many viruses like to live) are too deep inside the body to receive the benefit of near infrared.
Near infrared can penetrate the skull though, and you can use near infrared lights on your forehead to receive a mild cognitive boost (I've tried this, and it works, though the effects are mild).
wouldn't the melatonin produced, circulate to other tissues?
Figure 8 is from a study of athletes who were exposed for 20 minutes every evening for 14 days to 670nm over their entire body (16).
670nm (deep red) was used based on availability of treatment equipment. Unlike other studies the whole body was exposed and eyes were covered during treatment. Compared to the control, peak circulatory/serum melatonin levels were elevated as shown at the end of the test. In this study not only were the circulatory/serum melatonin levels increased but the test subject’s sleep quality and athletic performance levels also improved significantly.
This data is consistent with the hypothesis of this review in that the treatments stimulated high antioxidant levels in a large percentage of the athlete’s cells right before sleep (similar to sitting around a campfire) thereby reducing the amount of circulatory melatonin that was needed to be extracted from the blood during the night.
If we have a BH4 deficiency then we would produce less pineal melatonin.Ever since I developed ME/CFS, I found I need to take 5 mg of melatonin a couple of hours before bed, otherwise it takes me ages to get to sleep.
which you could shine against a white ceiling in order to reflect near infrared
Check the spectral reflectivity of white paint first.
he noticed he felt better in summer, so he tried to make winter into summer in his bedroom. he made it hot, dry and bright. he felt better. he does some complicated maths and concludes the only possible cause is the infrared radiation.
Even though the idea of infrared radiation initially sounded a bit woo-woo to me, I'm willing to start to believe there's something to it.
try an infrared heater or NIR lamp
@Hip are you concidering trying one of those lamps? Would be interresting to see if there is a positive effect.
Wow, that's a lot of math.
On a less technical level, I'd love to try an infrared heater or NIR lamp or something in my bedroom, but not sure what to get.
I'd love to try an infrared heater or NIR lamp or something in my bedroom, but not sure what to get.