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Suggestions on How to manage organizing pills?

I Take 19 Vitamin/ supplement pills every day BASE Plus I have 4 or 5 others i take as needed. about half the pills are around 00 size.

I really Struggle to keep them organized and remember to take them every day. I really want a pill sorter/ daily organizer that can manage my quantity. right now i sort them into little baggies for each day but it is causing me extra work and wasting plastic.

Anyone have an awesome pill sorter or an alternative idea to recommend?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Shot glasses?
Though spilling would become a huge concern, if your taking that many i bet the cost per month is high.
Yorkshire, England
Would something like in the picture work for you?


It's called "ezy dose stackable pill reminder", and comes in small medium and large sizes.
Not sure of country availability.

They stack on top of each other and have the days written too.
thanks everyone for your suggestions

@Luther Blissett
that ez dose stacker looks like it would work you got around the same amount of stuff as me in there. I'm gonna look for it online. Thanks

I've used that kind before. Even with the largest size I could find it took 5+slots for one days worth. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Shot glasses and small dishes are great for sorting day but as storage they would be a nightmare. Thanks for the idea though! And yes they do cost a lot can only afford them through parents.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I've got a tiny one in a little, silver zip-up bag -- maybe three inches by two. I take half my pills in the morning, and the other half around 2pm, so I've got to carry the second set with me.


Like this, basically.

My pill bottles are lined up in a cupboard and nothing is behind anything else: all the everyday stuff is in one, straight line. If I remove a bottle, and look up, it's clearly the bottle to the right that I need to take out, next. Good for when you're sleepy or brain-fogged!


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA


ahimsa_pdx on twitter
Anyone have an awesome pill sorter or an alternative idea to recommend?
I use a pill box with compartments that I fill up each morning with all my pills for the day. It's sort of like the one @JaimeS posted but with slightly bigger compartments. I use one of the compartments to hold all my "as needed" pills (over the counter pain killers, migraine meds, etc.).

Here's a photo of one that's similar (different color) to mine:
(click to get full size)

I got mine in the drug store but they're also easy to find online.


Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
I've had trouble finding organizors big enough for a weeks worth of pills so I just line up 10 plastic colored shot glasses for a.m. and 10 for p.m. meds, (I use a specific color for morning, and different one for night or I'd certainly screw that up!) and if I have to travel I dump each dose into snack sized plastic baggies.
London, UK
I store all my current bottles in a box and replenish as needed in this weekly solution:
Ez pill pouches (I think t was called like that, now Walgreens have copied them. They are quality mini ziploc bags. I buy them when I am in the US).

Usual way: If what you take is always the same, you can put all the pills for morning, lunch etc together.
Or sort them by type: before meal (digestive enzymes), during meal etc

What I've started to do recently is have each pills in their own pouch. Then I put all of them in a canister, and take all of them out when I need to take any. I go through each bag, put back in the canister after helping myself to what I need. I wait until I have everything laid down to swallow them. This way if I have doubts about forgetting to take any pill out I can check. It's brain fog proof for me.
It also means that if I have to be out, eat out etc. I can put the content of the canister in a small bag without having to stress about forgetting something. I refill as I go along or if I have the energy, everything at the same time.
I also have some baby/mini tupperware from Poundland (or Dollar Store in the US) for glutamine, dribose powders. Again much less unwieldy than using the big tubs.

The advantage of this system is that it grows with you, the pill boxes are less hermetic and are just too small for all the stuff we are taking.

I have heard that taking pills out of theor priginal container is illegal in some places (like California), but don't know of any other place like that. In which case keep the system to your home!
I use a pill organizer, but maybe something like a plastic box meant for jewelry findings with tons of compartments could work, you'd just have to label it yourself.